Grate Heater Unit
Grate Heater
Installation Instructions - Photo Addendum
Fig. 5
Attach Blower Vent Assembly to
Grate Heater unit with remaining 2
Phillips head screws.
Blower Assembly
Attach here
Blower Vent
Grate Heater Unit
Fig. 7
Use feet adjustment bolts to level
unit in fireplace. Bolts can be ad-
justed up and down with a 5/8” end
5/8” End Wrench
Adjustment Bolt
Fig. 6
Route the Cord out of unit on the
proper side. This illustration is a
right hand install, so cord comes out
on the right side. Make certain to
place grommet into cutout in the
case opening.
Main Blower Assembly
Power Cord
Variable Speed
Fig. 8
Trim Cover to fit opening. Place end
caps over trimmed ends, making
sure to place the cord cut-out over
the cord.
Trimmed Cover
Cap w/ Cord Cut-out