Assembly and setting up
Assembling machine
7.2 Assembling machine
Putting up knitting machine
7.2.1 Putting up knitting machine
Lift the knitting machine with a ground conveyor (e.g. fork lift) and transport it.
In this case the following things have to be taken care of:
The position of the centre of gravity is indicated on the front crosshead
(carriage in left transport position).
Both the lifting arms of the ground conveyor should be long enough so that
the front and the back crosshead can be lifted.
Lift and set the machine carefully. Danger of damage if it hits the floor very
Lift the machine only on both the machine feet or on the
Setting up knitting machine:
1. Remove the screwing of the knitting machine to the transport base.
Heavy knitting machine!
Danger of injury for persons and damage of the knitting
➜ Country-specific regulations for the prevention of
industrial accidents for the transport of heavy loads
are to be observed.
➜ Use only appropriate means of transport with
sufficient load capacity for transporting and installing
the knitting machine (e.g. fork lift).
➜ The relevant country-specific laws and regulations
are to be observed when transporting with a ground
conveyor (e.g. fork lift).
➜ Ground conveyor: observe the safety instructions of
the manufacturer.
➜ Transport the machine always with the utmost
caution and care.
➜ All transport locks are to be attached to the machine.