on your purchase of this multifunctional Stöckli quality product. The PizzaGrill «for8» or «for8
CRISPY» is sure to give you a lot of fun and pleasure in use.
Don’t forget to check out our special recipes in the small brochure enclosed. They provide many
useful tips and great recipe ideas for your «next party».
Have fun! Your A. & J. Stöckli AG
PizzaGrill «for8 CRISPY»
Part no. 0028.91C/ 0028.92C
PizzaGrill «for8 CRISPY Hot’Stone»
Part no. 0028.91CHS / 0028.92CHS
PizzaGrill «for8 Hot’Stone»
Part no. 0028.71HS/72HS
PizzaGrill «for8»
Part no. 0028.71/72