Real-time clock (RTC)
DocID018909 Rev 11
RTC main features
The RTC unit main features are the following (see
Calendar with subseconds, seconds, minutes, hours (12 or 24 format), day (day of
week), date (day of month), month, and year.
Daylight saving compensation programmable by software.
Two programmable alarms with interrupt function. The alarms can be triggered by any
combination of the calendar fields.
Automatic wakeup unit generating a periodic flag that triggers an automatic wakeup
Reference clock detection: a more precise second source clock (50 or 60 Hz) can be
used to enhance the calendar precision.
Accurate synchronization with an external clock using the subsecond shift feature.
Maskable interrupts/events:
Alarm A
Alarm B
Wakeup interrupt
Tamper detection
Digital calibration circuit (periodic counter correction)
5 ppm accuracy
0.95 ppm accuracy, obtained in a calibration window of several seconds
Timestamp function for event saving (1 event)
Tamper detection:
2 tamper events with configurable filter and internal pull-up.
20 backup registers (80 bytes). The backup registers are reset when a tamper
detection event occurs.
Alternate function output (RTC_OUT) which selects one of the following two outputs:
RTC_CALIB: 512 Hz or 1 Hz clock output (with an LSE frequency of 32.768 kHz).
This output is enabled by setting the COE bit in the RTC_CR register. It is routed
to the device RTC_AF1 function.
RTC_ALARM (Alarm A, Alarm B or wakeup).
This output is selected by configuring the OSEL[1:0] bits in the RTC_CR register.
It is routed to the device RTC_AF1 function.
RTC alternate function inputs:
RTC_TS: timestamp event detection. It is routed to the device RTC_AF1 and
RTC_AF2 functions.
RTC_TAMP1: TAMPER1 event detection. It is routed to the device RTC_AF1 and
RTC_AF2 functions.
RTC_TAMP2: TAMPER2 event detection.
RTC_REFIN: reference clock input (usually the mains, 50 or 60 Hz).
Section 8.3.15: Selection of RTC_AF1 and RTC_AF2 alternate functions