26 Installation Examples
Mowing area around a free-standing house with external
docking station (1):
– Docking station: Location next to the garage (B) and
behind the house (A).
– Wire clearances:
– Clearance from obstacles which can be travelled on,
such as patios and paths with a maximum height
difference between lawn area and obstacle of +/- 0.4 in.
(1 cm): 0 in. (0 cm)
– Clearance from high obstacles: 13 in. (33 cm)
– Search loops: Installation of two search loops (2) with a
minimum distance from the corridor entrance of 6.6 ft.
(2 m) for using the drive home function. Note the minimum
clearance from corners,
– Programming: Set the size of the mowing area and at least
one starting point (2),
– Points to note: Installation of a corridor (4) with funnel-
shaped entrance area (3) with a wire clearance of 11 in.
(27 cm). The corridor leads to the external docking
station (1). Increase the wire clearance (5) in the corridor
to the width of the base plate with a length of (3.3 ft. (1 m))
in front of the docking station. Note the space requirement
in the corridor and beside the docking station.