• Press home the oil seal with the
press sleeve (1).
Assembly of the remaining parts is
a reversal of the disassembly
• Fit new gasket on mating face of
clutch side of crankcase.
• Fit the assembly sleeve (1) over
the ignition end of the crankshaft.
Slide the oil seal (2), closed side
facing the crankcase, over the
assembly sleeve.
• Fit the straight stub of the crank-
shaft in the roller bearing at the
clutch side of the crankcase.
• Use press sleeve (2) to press
roller bearing (1) as far as stop
into ignition side of crankcase.
• Lubricate bearing with oil.
• Push ignition lead (1) through
the grommet (2).
• Slide the oil seal, closed side facing
the crankcase, over the clutch end
of the crankshaft and use the press
sleeve (1) to press it fully home.
• Lubricate roller bearing in ignition
side of crankcase with oil and push
the crankcase over the crankshaft
• Fit screws and tighten down
alternately in a diagonal pattern
to 5.5 Nm (4 Ibf.ft).
Trim away any excess
gasket material in the area of the
cylinder mounting face.
• Fit Woodruff key in the slot in the
crankshaft stub.
• Before installing oil seals, coat
sealing lips with grease -
see 11.2.