Stiga PR 500 Li 48 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 14










Pollici / mm



Pollici / cm




Pollici / mm





3/8” / 9,525 mm

10” / 25,4 cm

0,050” / 1,3 mm



3/8” / 9,525 mm

12” / 30,5 cm

0,050” / 1,3 mm





[2]  Захранващо напрежение МАКС

[3]  Захранващо напрежение НОМИНАЛНО

[4]  Максимална скорост на веригата

[5]  Максимална честота на въртене на 


[6]  Дължина на срязване

[7]  Дебелина на веригата

[8]  Зъбци / стъпка на пиньона на верига

[9]  Вместимост на резервоара на маслото

[10]  Тегло (без акумулатор, без шина и верига)

[11]  Измерено ниво на акустична мощност

[12]  Измервателна грешка

[13]  Ниво на измерена акустична мощност

[14]  Гарантирано ниво на звукова мощност

[15]  Ниво на вибрации

[16]  - Предна ръкохватка

[17]  - Задна ръкохватка


[19]  Блок на акумулатора, мод.

[20]  Зареждане на акумулатора

[21]  Раница за помещаване на акумулатора



Симулатор на акумулатор



[24]  СТЪПКА

[25]  ШИНА

[26]  ВЕРИГА

[27]  Палци / mm

[28]  Дължина: Палци / cm

[29]  Ширина на жлеба:Палци / mm

[30]  Код

(*) Използването на този акумулатор 

е позволено само с Раница за 

помещаване на акумулатора. 

Забранено е поставянето на 

акумулатора в гнездото върху 



ЗАБЕЛЕЖКА: декларираната обща стойност 

на вибрации е измерена придържайки се 

към стандартизиран метод на изпитване 

и може да се използва за правене на 

сравнение между един и друг инструмент.  

Общата стойност на вибрации може да 

се използва и за предварителна оценка 

на излагането.

b) ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: издаването на 

вибрации при реалното използване на 

инструмента може да бъде различна 

от общата декларирана стойност,в 

зависимост от начините на използване на 

инструмента. Поради това е необходимо 

по време на работа да се вземат следните 

предпазни мерки целящи предпазването 

на оператора: носете ръкавици по време 

на използването, ограничете времената 

на използване на машината и намалете 

времената, през които се държи натиснат 

лоста за управление на ускорителя.



[2]  MAKS. napon napajanja

[3]  NOMINALNI napon napajanja

[4]  Maksimalna brzina lanca

[5]  Maksimalna frekvencija okretanja vretena

[6]  Dužina reza

[7]  Debljina lanca

[8]  Zupci / korak gonjenog zupčanika lanca

[9]  Kapacitet spremnika za ulje

[10]  Težina (bez baterije, bez vodilice lanca i 


[11]  Izmjereni nivo zvučnog pritiska

[12]  Mjerna nesigurnost

[13]  Izmjereni nivo zvučne snage

[14]  Zajamčeni nivo zvučne snage

[15]  Nivo vibracija

[16]  - Prednji rukohvat

[17]  - Zadnji rukohvat


[19]  Baterija, mod.

[20]  Punjač baterije

[21]  Ruksak akumulator

[22]  Simulator akumulatora



[24] KORAK


[26] LANAC

[27]  Inč / mm

[28]  Dužina: Inč / mm

[29]  Širina žlijeba: Inč / mm

[30] Šifra

(*) Upotreba ovog akumulatora dopuštena je 

samo s ruksak akumulator. Zabranjeno je 

stavljati akumulator (bateriju) u kućište 

na mašini.

a) NAPOMENA: ukupna prijavljena vrijednost 

vibracija izmjerena je prema normalizovanoj 

metodi ispitivanja i može se koristiti za 

vršenje poređenja između dvije alatke.  

Ukupna vrijednost vibracija može se koristiti i 

prilikom prethodne procjene izloženosti.

b) UPOZORENJE: emisija vibracija prilikom stvarne 

upotrebe alatke može se razlikovati od  

ukupne prijavljene vrijednosti u zavisnosti 

od načina na koji se koristi alatka. Stoga 

je neophodno, za vrijeme rada, primijeniti 

slijedeće sigurnosne mjere za zaštitu radnika: 

koristiti rukavice za vrijeme upotrebe, 

ograničiti vrijeme upotrebe mašine i skratiti 

vrijeme za koje se drži pritisnuta poluga 

mande gasa.


[2]  Napájecí napětí MAX

[3]  Napájecí napětí NOMINAL

[4]  Maximální rychlost řetězu

[5]  Maximální frekvence otáčení vřetena

[6]  Řezná délka

[7]  Tloušťka řetězu

[8]  Zuby / rozteč řetězky

[9]  Kapacita olejové nádrže

[10]  Hmotnost (bez akumulátoru, bez vodicí lišty 

a řetězu)

[11]  Naměřená úroveň akustického tlaku

[12]  Nepřesnost měření

[13]  Naměřená úroveň akustického výkonu

[14]  Zaručená úroveň akustického výkonu

[15]  Úroveň vibrací

[16]  - Přední rukojeť

[17]  - Zadní rukojeť


[19]  Akumulátorová jednotka, mod.

[20]  Nabíječka akumulátoru

[21]  Batoh s akumulátorem

[22]  Simulátor akumulátoru



[24]  ROZTEČ


[26]  ŘETĚZ

[27]  Palce / mm

[28]  Délka:  Palce / cm

[29]  Šířka drážky: Palce / mm

[30] Kód

(*) Použití tohoto akumulátoru je dovoleno 

pouze s batoh s akumulátorem. Je 

zakázáno vkládat akumulátor do uložení 

na stroji.

a) POZNÁMKA: prohlášená celková hodnota vibrací 

byla naměřena s použitím normalizované 

zkušební metody a lze ji použít pro srovnání 

jednotlivých nástrojů.  Celková hodnota 

vibrací může být použita také při přípravném 

vyhodnocování vystavení vibracím.

b) VAROVÁNÍ: emise vibrací při skutečném použití 

nástroje může být odlišná od deklarované celkové 

hodnoty v závislosti na režimech, ve 

kterých se daný nástroj používá. Proto je 

třeba během práce přijmout níže uvedená 

bezpečnostní opatření, jejichž cílem je 

ochránit operátora: během běžného použití 

mějte nasazené rukavice a omezte dobu 

použití stroje a zkraťte doby, během kterých 

je zatlačena ovládací páka plynu. 

Содержание PR 500 Li 48

Страница 1: ...T Akutoitel mootorsaag puude hooldamiseks KASUTUSJUHEND TÄHELEPANU enne masina kasutamist lugeda tähelepanelikult antud kasutusjuhendit FI Akkukäyttöinen puunhoitotöissä käytettävä moottorisaha KÄYTTÖOHJEET VAROITUS lue käyttöopas huolellisesti ennen koneen käyttöä FR Scie à chaîne pour élagage alimentée par batterie MANUEL D UTILISATION ATTENTION lire attentivement le manuel avant d utiliser cett...

Страница 2: ...ии SK Akumulátorová reťazová odvetvovacia motorová píla NÁVOD NA POUŽITIE UPOZORNENIE pred použitím stroja si pozorne prečítajte tento návod SL Verižna žaga za obrezovanje na baterijski pogon PRIROČNIK ZA UPORABO POZOR preden uporabite stroj pazljivo preberite priročnik z navodili SR Lančana motorna testera na bateriju za potkresivanje grana PRIRUČNIK SA UPUTSTVIMA PAŽNJA pre korišćenja mašine paž...

Страница 3: ...rijevod originalnih uputa HR MAGYAR Eredeti használati utasítás fordítása HU LIETUVIŠKAI Originalių instrukcijų vertimas LT LATVIEŠU Instrukciju tulkojums no oriģināl valodas LV МАКЕДОНСКИ Превод на оригиналните упатства MK NEDERLANDS Vertaling van de oorspronkelijke gebruiksaanwijzing NL NORSK Oversettelse av den originale bruksanvisningen NO POLSKI Tłumaczenie instrukcji oryginalnej PL PORTUGUÊS...

Страница 4: ...A B C D E F G H I J K M2 L N O P M1 1 2 Art N Type s n 2 6 1 5 3 9 dB LWA 4 7 8 V 10 ...

Страница 5: ...A B C B A A A B C E D 3 5 7 6 8 4 ...

Страница 6: ...A 9 10 A 11 12 A 13 14 B A C ...

Страница 7: ...A B C A B 15 16 17 18 19 20 A ...

Страница 8: ...P O A B A B A 5 cm B 5 cm C 21 22 23 24 25 26 ...

Страница 9: ...D A A B A 27 28 29 30 31 32 A B A B ...

Страница 10: ...B A A B P O 33 34 35 36 37 38 ...

Страница 11: ...A B C A B A B B A 39 40 41 42 43 A B ...

Страница 12: ...45 44 ...

Страница 13: ... Li 48 BT 740 Li 48 BT 750 Li 48 BT 775 Li 48 20 Carica batteria CG 500 Li 48 CGF 500 Li 48 CGD 500 Li 48 CG 700 Li 48 CGF 700 Li 48 CGD 700 Li 48 21 Zaino portabatterie 22 Simulatore di batteria batteria L utilizzo di questa batteria è consentito solo con lo zaino portabatterie E vietato inserire la batteria nell alloggiamento sulla macchina a NOTA il valore totale dichiarato delle vibrazioni è s...

Страница 14: ...nage 15 Nivo vibracija 16 Prednji rukohvat 17 Zadnji rukohvat 18 DODATNA OPREMA NA ZAHTJEV 19 Baterija mod 20 Punjač baterije 21 Ruksak akumulator 22 Simulator akumulatora 23 TABELA ZA ISPRAVNU KOMBINACIJU VODILICE LANCA I LANCA Pogl 15 3 24 KORAK 25 VODILICA LANCA 26 LANAC 27 Inč mm 28 Dužina Inč mm 29 Širina žlijeba Inč mm 30 Šifra Upotreba ovog akumulatora dopuštena je samo s ruksak akumulator ...

Страница 15: ...zulässig Es ist verboten die Batterie in das Fach auf der Maschine einzusetzen a HINWEIS Der erklärte Gesamtwert der Vibrationen wurde durch eine standardisierte Methode gemessen Er kann verwendet werden um einen Vergleich zwischen verschiedenen Werkzeugen anzustellen Der Gesamtwert der Vibrationen kann auch bei einer Vorabbewertung der Vibrationsbelastung eingesetzt werden b WARNUNG Die Schwingun...

Страница 16: ...RECTA COMBINACIÓN DE BARRAY CADENA Cap 15 3 24 PASO 25 BARRA 26 CADENA 27 Pulgadas mm 28 Longitud Pulgadas cm 29 Anchura ranura Pulgadas mm 30 Código El uso de esta batería está permitido únicamente con la mochila portabaterías Queda prohibido introducir la batería en la cavidad de la máquina a NOTA el valor total de la vibración se ha medido según un método normalizado de prueba y puede utilizars...

Страница 17: ...ode L utilisation de cette batterie est permise seulement avec le sac porte batteries Il est interdit d insérer la batterie dans le logement situé sur la machine a REMARQUE la valeur totale déclarée des vibrations a été mesurée selon une méthode d essai normalisée et peut être utilisée pour comparer un outillage avec un autre La valeur totale des vibrations peut être utilisée aussi pour une évalua...

Страница 18: ...m 28 Ilgis Coliai cm 29 Griovelių plotis Coliai mm 30 Kodas Šio akumuliatoriaus naudojimas galimas tik akumuliatorių laikiklio kuprinė Draudžiama įvesti akumuliatorių į įrenginio ertmę a PASTABA bendras deklaruojamas vibracijų lygis buvo išmatuotas laikantis standartizuoto bandymo metodo ir gali būti naudojamas lyginant vieną įrankį su kitu Bendras vibracijų lygis gali būti naudojamas preliminaria...

Страница 19: ...NATIE VAN STANG EN KETTING Hfdst 15 3 24 STEEK 25 STANG 26 KETTING 27 Inches mm 28 Lengte Inches cm 29 Breedte gleuf Inches mm 30 Code Het gebruik van deze accu is enkel toegestaan met het accuhouder Het is verboden de accu in de huizing van de machine te plaatsen a OPMERING de totale verklaarde waarde van de trillingen werd gemeten met een genormaliseerde testmethode en kan gebruikt worden voor e...

Страница 20: ...O DE BARRA E CORRENTE Cap 15 3 24 PASSO 25 BARRA 26 CORRENTE 27 Polegadas mm 28 Comprimento Polegadas cm 29 Largura sulco Polegadas mm 30 Código O uso desta bateria somente é permitido com o mochila porta baterias É proibido inserir a bateria no alojamento da máquina a NOTA o valor total declarado das vibrações foi mensurado de acordo com um método normalizado de ensaio e pode ser utilizado para c...

Страница 21: ...IE SPRÁVNEJ KOMBINÁCIE VODIACEJ LIŠTY A REŤAZE kap 15 3 24 ROZSTUP 25 VODIACA LIŠTA 26 REŤAZ 27 Palce mm 28 Dĺžka Palce cm 29 Šírka drážky Palce mm 30 Kód Použitie tohto akumulátora je dovolené len s batoh na akumulátory Je zakázané vkladať akumulátor do uloženia na stroji a POZNÁMKA vyhlásená celková hodnota vibrácií bola nameraná s použitím normalizovanej skúšobnej metódy a je možné ju použiť na...

Страница 22: ... Längd Tum cm 29 Spårbredd Tum cm 30 Kod Detta batteri får endast användas med Batteriväska Det är förbjudet att sätta i batteriet i facket på maskinen a ANMÄRKNING det totala angivna vibrationsvärdet har mätts i enlighet med en standardiserad testmetod och kan användas för en jämförelse mellan olika verktyg Det totala vibrationsvärdet kan användas även vid en preliminär exponeringsbedömning b VAR...

Страница 23: ...0 HANDLING AND TRANSPORTATION 17 11 ASSISTANCE AND REPAIRS 18 12 WARRANTY COVERAGE 18 13 MAINTENANCE TABLE 18 14 TROUBLESHOOTING 19 15 ATTACHMENTS ON REQUEST 21 15 1 Battery 21 1 GENERAL ASPECTS 1 1 HOW TO READ THE MANUAL Some paragraphs in the manual contain important information regarding safety and operation and are emphasized in this manner NOTE or IMPORTANT These give details or further infor...

Страница 24: ...skid safety shoes hard hat or hearing protection used for appropriate conditions will reduce personal injuries c Prevent unintentional starting Ensure the tool is switched OFF before fitting the battery picking up or carrying the power tool Carrying power tools with your finger on the switch or fitting the battery with the tool switched ON invites accidents d Remove any adjusting key or wrench bef...

Страница 25: get caught up in the toothed chain The right hand must always hold the rear grip and the left hand the front grip You should never turn your hands when holding the chainsaw as this increases the risk of accidents on yourself Hold the power tool by insulated gripping surfaces only because the toothed chain may come in contact with hidden wiring Toothed chain contacting a live wire may make expos...

Страница 26: ...d result in serious injury for operators Do not rely exclusively on the chainsaw built in safety devices Chainsaw users should take additional precautions to eliminate accident or injury risks during cutting operations Kickback is the result of poor use of the tool and or incorrect operating procedures or conditions and can be avoided by taking the specific precautions provided below Hold the saw ...

Страница 27: ... motor oil causes serious damage to the environment Comply with local regulations for the disposal of packaging deteriorated parts or any elements with a strong environmental impact this waste must not be disposed of as normal waste it must be separated and taken to specified waste disposal centres where the material will be recycled Comply with local regulations for the disposal of waste material...

Страница 28: ... means other than those found in the Technical Data table Serious injury and wound hazard use of the machine by more than one person IMPORTANT Improper use of the machine will invalidate the warranty relieve the Manufacturer from all liability and the user will consequently be liable for all and any damage or injury to himself or others 3 1 3 User types This machine is intended for use only by ope...

Страница 29: ...ed bumper device installed opposite the guide bar assembly point acting as a pivot when it comes into contact with a tree or trunk J Spiked bumper guard spiked bumper cover to be fitted during handling transportation or storage of the machine This guard must be removed when using the machine K Bar cover guard chainsaw cover on the guide bar to be fitted during handling transportation or storage of...

Страница 30: ...the chain runs 6 If the tip of the bar is equipped with a nose sprocket make sure the drive links are correctly inserted in the sprocket rims Fig 7 7 Refit the guard Fig 8 A without fully tightening the nut 8 Turn the chain tension adjuster screw Fig 9 A to achieve the desired tension Fig 10 par 6 1 3 9 Raise the bar and tighten the guard nuts securely using the wrench supplied Fig 11 A 4 3 BATTER...

Страница 31: ... the battery if supplied read the relevant manuals 6 1 PRELIMINARY PROCEDURES Before starting to work it is necessary to carry out several checks and operations to ensure you can work efficiently and in maximum safety 6 1 1 Checking the battery Purchase the battery with the capacity that most suits your operational requirements and fully charge it according to the instructions in the battery bookl...

Страница 32: ... leakage Machine No signs of damage or wear Throttle trigger lever safety lever The levers must move freely and not be forced Test driving No abnormal vibrations No abnormal sound 6 2 2 Machine operating test Action Result Fit the battery inside its housing par 7 2 3 Press the safety button The blue light must come on electrical circuit activated and the chain must not move Do not use the machine ...

Страница 33: ... unfastening from the previous fastening point 6 4 START UP 6 4 1 Start up with battery 1 Remove the bar cover guard Fig 1 K and the spiked bumper guard Fig 1 J if fitted 2 Make sure the bar and the chain are not touching the ground or any other object 3 Insert the battery correctly into its housing par 21 B par 7 2 3 4 Press the safety button blue light Fig 15 A 5 Press the throttle lock lever Fi...

Страница 34: ... wind direction to assess how the tree will actually fall remove any dirt stones pieces of bark nails metal staples and wire clear the area around the tree and find a stable place to stand plan obstacle free escape routes at a 45 angle back and away from the direction of the fall Fig 24 which allow the operator to escape to a safe zone about 2 5 times the height of the tree being felled Stand uphi...

Страница 35: ...all necessary precautions to prevent the machine from coming into contact with the ground 6 7 FOR PRUNING HIGH UP USING A ROPE AND A BELT HARNESS IMPORTANT This chapter describes the work procedures implemented to reduce the risk of injuries when using chainsaws for trimming and performing height work aided by a rope and belt harness This is not intended to replace formal training on the subject T...

Страница 36: ... and turn off the electrical circuit light off Fig 15 A After releasing the throttle control it takes a few seconds for the toothed chain to stop Always stop the machine when moving between work areas Do not keep your finger on the safety button when moving the machine to avoid accidentally enabling the machine 6 10 AFTER USE 6 10 1 After operating with battery 1 Remove the battery from its housin...

Страница 37: ...ine on and off frequently whilst working adopting a cutting technique that is unsuitable for the work to be performed par 6 6 par 6 7 To optimise battery power reserve it is always recommended to cut wood when dry use the most appropriate technique for the work to be performed If the need arises to use the machine for sessions which exceed the capability of a standard battery it is possible to pur...

Страница 38: ...ater onto the motor and electrical components and prevent them from getting wet To avoid overheating and damage to the motor or the battery always keep the cooling air vents clean and free of debris 7 4 2 Cleaning the chain Remove any traces of sawdust or oil deposits from the chain every time it is used If there is excessive dirt or resin build up disassemble the chain and place it in a container...

Страница 39: ...he guides 8 4 1 Replacing the bar Replace the bar whenever the groove is not as deep as the height of the drive links which must never touch the bottom the inside of the guide is worn enough to make the chain lean to one side 9 STORING 9 1 STORING THE MACHINE When the machine is to be stored away 1 Remove the battery from its housing and recharge it 2 Mount the bar cover 3 Wait until the motor is ...

Страница 40: ...COVERAGE The warranty covers all material and manufacturing defects The user must follow all the instructions provided in the accompanying documentation The warranty does not cover damages caused by Failure to become familiar with the documentation accompanying the machine Carelessness Incorrect or prohibited use or assembly Use of non genuine spare parts Use of accessories not supplied or approve...

Страница 41: ... The motor stops whilst working and the safety button flashes Low battery Check the battery status and recharge if necessary par 7 2 2 6 With the throttle lock button and throttle trigger lever on the chain does not turn Excessive chain tensioning Retension the chain par 6 1 3 Bar and chain problems Check that the chain runs freely and the bar guides are not deformed par 8 3 8 4 Machine damaged Do...

Страница 42: ...tery power reserve is low Severe working conditions requiring greater current absorption Optimise operations par 7 2 1 Battery is insufficient for operating requirements Use a second battery or extended battery par 7 2 1 Decrease in battery capacity Purchase a new battery 14 The battery charger is not recharging the battery Battery is not correctly inserted in the battery charger Check it is corre...

Страница 43: hazardous and cause serious injuries to operators and damage the machine In consideration that the selection application and use of the bar and chain are actions made solely by the user at his own discretion the latter assumes responsibility for damages of any kind arising from such actions When in doubt or if lacking knowledge of the specifics of each bar or chain contact your dealer or an aut...

Страница 44: ... Product service GmbH Ridlerstraβe 65 80339 München Germany f Esame CE del tipo No M6A 001414 0125 OND 2000 14 EC ANNEX V D Lgs 262 2002 ANNEX V Italy e Ente Certificatore EMCD 2014 30 EU RoHS II 2011 65 EU 2015 863 EU 4 Riferimento alle Norme armonizzate EN 60745 1 2009 A11 2010 EN ISO 11681 2 2011 A1 2017 EN 50581 2012 EN 55014 1 2017 EN 55014 2 2015 g Livello di potenza sonora misurato 101 9 dB...

Страница 45: ... zvočne moči h Zagotovljen nivo zvočne moči k Instalirana moč n Oseba pooblaščena za sestavo tehnične knjižice o Kraj in datum BS Prijevod originalnih uputa EZ izjava o sukladnosti Direktiva o mašinama 2006 42 EZ Prilog II deo A 1 Firma 2 Daje izjavu pod vlastitom odgovornošću da je mašina Lančana motorna pila na bateriju za potkresivanje grana a Tip Osnovni model b Mjesec Godina proizvodnje c Ser...

Страница 46: ...ltek és szerzői joggal védettek tilos a dokumentum bármely részének vagy egészének engedély nélküli sokszorosítása és módosítása LT Šio naudotojo vadovo turinys ir paveikslėliai skirti tik ST S p A ir yra saugomi autorių teisėmis dokumentą atgaminti ar modifikuoti visiškai arba iš dalies yra draudžiama LV Šīs lietotāja rokasgrāmatas saturs un attēli ir veidoti tikai ST S p A un ir aizsargāti ar au...

Страница 47: ...dB LWA Type s n Art N ST S p A Via del Lavoro 6 31033 Castelfranco Veneto TV ITALY ...
