Professional mounting techniques should be used. Stewart Filmscreen
Corporation cannot be liable for substandard or faulty installations.
This section describes assembly of a wall mount ScreenWall that uses the
wraparound method of attaching the screen to the frame (rather than a
standard attachment).
Assembling the frame
Assemble the frame using the same procedure as for the standard wall
mount. Refer to Figures 1 and 3 in the section starting on page 4.
Attaching brackets to the wall
Stewart Filmscreen Corporation
1. Position the frame on
the wall.
2. Place marks on the
wall to indicate where
you will make holes
for the top brackets.
3. Drill holes in the wall
as needed.
4. Attach top brackets to
the wall.
5. Hang frame on top
brackets. Refer to
Figure 9.
6. Place marks for holes
where you will place
the bottom brackets.
7. Remove the frame
and drill holes in the
wall as needed.
8. Attach bottom
brackets to the wall.
Figure 8:
Frame displayed with brackets (screen not on)