Fuselage Continued
Finishing Up! Continued
Round the upper edges of the rear fuselage until parts F8 are just barely exposed. For best
results use a sanding block or longer sanding bar loaded with fine grit paper. Work slowly
and trust your eyes!
Smooth the seam along the bottom between the fuselage sides and F13, blending the tabs
into the sides, and slightly rounding the seam. Again, following the guidance to use a long
sanding bar here would be highly desirable.
Round off the edges of F19, flowing it smoothly into the top and bottom nose sheeting. A
sanding block loaded with fine grit paper works best here.
Now, use a sharp hobby knife and carefully remove the cut-outs in the fuselage bottom
leaving three openings to allow access to the radio and pushrods at a later step.
Tail Surfaces
Fit the 1/16 in. ply elevator joiner E1 to the
elevator halves E2. Use a straight
edge to ensure that the leading edge of E1 and E2 remain parallel. Bond with medium CA
Follow sanding instructions given within the tape hinge diagram, on the plan sheet 2 of 2,
and bevel the
of the leading edge of the elevator at a 45 degree angle. Follow the
sanding instructions given on the Horizontal Stabilizer / Elevator detail on sheet 2 of 2 for
guidance sanding the edges of these parts. The plan calls for the leading edge of the
Horizontal Stabilizer to be sanded round while the trailing edge of the Elevator should be
sanded but left square.
Fit and bond the balsa rudder part Ra and ply rudder part Rb (tail wheel) together with
medium CA glue. Follow sanding instructions given within the tape hinge diagram, on the
plan sheet 1 of 2, and bevel the
side of the leading edge of the rudder at a 45 degree
angle. Follow the sanding instructions given on the Vertical Stabilizer / Rudder detail on
sheet 1 of 2 for guidance sanding the edges of these parts. The plan calls for the leading
edge of the Vertical Stabilizer to be sanded round while the trailing edge of the Rudder
should be sanded but left square.
Hey, why not take the time right now to paint the tail wheel detail on part Rb black. It will be
much easier to paint now prior to covering and installing on the model.
Build Instructions
1946 “Say’s Nuh!” C-140 UM Build Instructions. © 2013 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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