You will dry fit the majority of this fuselage
assembly together only gluing at the final
instructional steps. When parts cannot easily be
retained with friction, use a single tiny drop of
medium CA glue applied sparingly through a CA
glue applicator tip to “tack glue” the part in place.
Should you commit an error in assembly it will be
easier to recover from the mistake and remove or
correct the part fit in error if you do not slather the
assembly in glue after each step! Further this
method of assembly will allow our interlocking
design to do it’s job as each successive part
installed within the fuselage will help pull the
entire structure square and true.
30. Build the center crutch. Locate the instrument
panel F2, central crutch F1, and rear former
F3. Center crutch F1 should be installed so
that etched receiver placement guidelines will
be visible from the bottom of the fuselage
assembly. Instrument panel etching should
face aft. Orient part F3 so that etched part
number faces forward and observe “top”
designation. Reference parts over plan set
and retain by tack gluing.
31. Place F4 fuselage side on work table with
etched part number facing up. Now, dry fit
completed center crutch to fuselage side F4
aligning tabs in crutch with corresponding
notches in F4.
32. Interlock ply motor mount parts F5b within
F5a to create F5 motor mount. Use plan set
to reference part orientation. Attention: when
fitting parts please observe top and forward
orientation, F5a has etch lines to reference
motor right thrust angles that must be visible
from top of fuselage assembly.
33. Dry fit F5 motor mount assembly to F4
fuselage side aligning tabs in motor mount
with notches in fuselage side.
34. Dry fit F6 landing gear mount to F4 fuselage
side aligning tabs in panel with notches in
fuselage side and center crutch F1.
35. Create F7 windscreen frame. Use a slow set
medium or thick CA glue to bond balsa part
F7b on top of ply part F7a. Match edges of
parts carefully prior to bonding.
36. Dry fit F7 windscreen frame to F4 fuselage
with balsa side facing outside of
. Align tabs of F7 windscreen
frame with notches in fuselage side. Tack
glue windscreen frame to fuselage side at top
of front window cut-out on fuselage side.
37. Fit opposite fuselage side F8 to assembly
capturing formers, motor mount, central
crutch, and windscreen frame within fuselage.
38. Check to ensure that all dry fit parts are
properly seated within assembly. Square
assembly to your work table and tack glue
parts at tab and notch locations.
39. Bond F9 within notches spanning fuselage
sides and F7 wind screen frame at nose of
40. Fit top former F10 spanning F7 windscreen
frame and fuselage sides match tabs and
notches. Bond F10 within assembly from F7
windscreen aft to rear former F3.
41. Fit ply landing gear pocket F11 within
fuselage behind F6. Bond pocket within
assembly around perimeter. Do not fill pocket
area with glue.
42. Fit ply landing gear pocket cover F12 within
f u s e l a g e a s s e m b l y b e h i n d F 11 a n d
interlocking with F1 center crutch. Bond F12
to retain part.
Attention: be careful not to
allow glue to enter landing gear pocket.
43. Matching tabs and notches, fit nose sheeting
F13 to underside of fuselage assembly
spanning fuselage sides forward of landing
gear pocket. Bond F13 within assembly from
pocket and F6 forward.
44. Matching tabs and notches, fit bottom
sheeting F14 within fuselage assembly
behind landing gear pocket and spanning
fuselage sides.
Bond F14 to retain.
Attention: be careful not to allow glue to
enter landing gear pocket.
45. Fit and bond F15 bottom sheeting spanning
fuselage sides forward of former F3.
46. Fit and bond F16 bottom sheeting spanning
fuselage sides aft of former F3 to rear of
47. Fit and bond F17 top sheeting spanning
fuselage sides aft of former F3
48. Fit and bond F18 to rear portion of fuselage
Build Instructions
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