seated to rib assembly and retain using tack
glue method described previously.
15. Fit sub rib W8 spanning W1 main spar and
W7 leading edge jig. Tack glue part at W1
and W2 to retain.
16. Fit sub rib W9 spanning W1 main spar and
W7 leading edge jig. Tack glue part at W1
and W7 to retain.
17. Fit tip rib W10 to assembly spanning sub spar
W2, main spar W1, and leading edge jig W7.
Tack glue W10 to assembly at W7 leading
edge and spar W1. Do not glue W10 to sub
spar W2.
18. Fit tip rib W10 to assembly spanning trailing
edge W6, sub spar W2, main spar W1, and
leading edge webbing W7. Tack glue W10 to
assembly at leading edge and spar W2. Do
not glue W10 to sub spar W3.
19. Fit notches in W11 leading edge over tabs in
W7 at leading edge of wing. Retain W11 by
tack gluing at each rib and sub rib interface.
20. Assemble W12 wing tip from parts W12a and
W12b. Fit and bond parts over a flat work
21. Fit W12 wing tip to assembly aligning tabs in
spars W2 and W6 trailing edge with notches
in W12. Bond wing tip first at tab locations
along and in-between trailing edge and spar
at tip rib.
Now wrap W12 wing tip forward to main spar
W1 following contour of tip rib W10 and
nesting tabs within corresponding notches to
rib. Bond from sub spar forward to main spar
along tip rib.
Complete wing tip by wrapping forward to
leading edge following contour of tip rib W10
and nesting tabs within corresponding
notches to rib. Bond from main spar forward
to leading edge. Wing tip should come to rest
flush with leading edge part W11. Bond wing
tip at W11.
22. Hold wing assembly flat against your work
table and fit W13 truss rib where indicated on
plan set. W13 should fit flush with bottom of
wing and taper in width as it approaches the
leading edge.
With W13 installed, and your wing held flat to
your building table, thoroughly bond all parts
within the wing assembly.
23. Repeat steps 11-21 for right side of wing
24. Hold center section of wing flat on a smooth
surface, checking that both wing tips are an
equal distance above the surface.
25. Fit and bond trailing edge W14 between ribs
26. Fit and bond leading edge webbing W15
between ribs W3.
27. Fit and bond leading edge W16 between ribs
28. Fit and bond ply trailing edge support W17 to
notch on trailing edge center section.
29. Using 400 grit sand paper and a sanding
block, lightly sand exterior edges of wing in
preparation for covering. Use the “airfoil
profile” on the fuselage plan set as a guide to
shape leading edge. At wingtip taper leading
edge upward from rib W10 to flow into wing
tip sheeting.
Cover wing using a high quality light weight
covering film. We suggest AeroLITE by
Stevens AeroModel. Note that the plan set
contains a trim guide for the scalloped
covering scheme represented on the product
Set wing aside until final assembly.
Fuselage parts are designated with a “F” followed
by a numeric. Parts have been numbered so that
the fuselage assembly and required parts follows
in alpha-numeric order from F1 to F20.
The fuselage is of traditional sheet side with
central crutch assembly. Many of the formers will
need to be installed in a forward and top
orientation. Unless otherwise specified, formers
should be installed with the etched part number
facing the front of the assembly and any top or
bottom designations followed.
Build Instructions
© 2010 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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