by gluing with medium CA glue at several
points along fuselage.
Square vertical stabilizer perpendicular to
wing and horizontal stabilizer. Retain
stabilizer with medium CA glue.
64. Open up slot on left side of elevator to receive
one laser cut control horn. Additionally, open
up top push-rod exit slot on left side of
fuselage to allow elevator push-rod to exit. Fit
and bond control horn as illustrated on plan.
65. Open up slot on right side of rudder to receive
one laser cut control horn. Additionally, open
up lower push-rod exit slot on right side of
fuselage to allow rudder push-rod to exit. Fit
and bond control horn as illustrated on plan.
66. Mount PKZ3351 receiver/esc/servo unit
exactly as illustrated on plan set using Du-Bro
RC double sided servo tape [DUB634].
67. Follow instructional given on plan set for
creating rudder and elevator push-rods.
Route push-rods through proper slots in
fuselage sides and holes provided in F3. It
may be helpful to trim covering from the
lightening hole at bottom of fuselage
assembly aft of former F3 to allow better
access to push-rod routing (make a covering
patch after installation of push-rods).
Connect push-rods to servos on PKZ3351
and control horns at control surfaces. Prior to
setting final length of push-rods (by securing
parts “A” and “B” with heat shrink), power up
your radio equipment and center the trims for
channels controlling elevator and rudder.
Once centered at transmitter, mechanically
center the rudder and elevator. Finally use a
soldering iron to shrink tubing joining overlap
of push-rod parts “A” and “B” then secure with
a drop of medium CA glue.
68. Remove plastic mounting “pins” from “ears” of
motor/gearbox PKZ3624. Route motor wire
from PKZ3624 through opening in landing
gear pocket. Connect motor to receiver. Set
motor and gearbox on top of F5a and align
outside edge of gearbox “ears” with etch lines
engraved on top side of motor mount F5a.
Secure gearbox with a drop of medium CA
glue under each “ear” to retain proper right
offset to thrust line.
69. Install 120-160 mAh 3.7V li-po battery within
fuselage behind landing gear pocket on top of
bottom sheeting F14, using a small patch of
velcro (not supplied). Alternatively, battery
may be passed through opening in landing
gear pocket into cavity forward of gear to
adjust balance of model forward.
70. Adjust balance of model by moving battery or
adding a bit of modeling clay within nose of
model. Model should balance on or just
forward of the spar or 1-5/8 in. to 1-3/4 in.
from the leading edge of the wing.
Flight Control Setup
Inspect wing for any warps that may have
worked their way in when covering, or while
the model was in storage, and remove prior to
. Lack of aileron control on this
model will make contending with a warped
wing very difficult.
Center control surface then set direction, rate
of travel, and dampening (expo).
Rudder servo should be controlled by the
Aileron channel of your radio as rudder on
this model also controls roll of the aircraft.
Rudder should follow Aileron stick travel i.e.
moving Aileron stick to right should move
Rudder to right of aircraft. Likewise, left
Aileron stick input will move Rudder left.
Elevator servo will be controlled by Elevator
channel of your radio. Pulling back on the
Elevator stick should result in the Elevator
moving UP! Likewise, forward stick results in
the Elevator moving DOWN!
™ is designed to be a very docile
flyer, therefore the flight controls are set up for
fairly minimal throws. The Rudder and
Elevator throws should be as follows:
Rudder Travel (rudder is VERY effective)
Low Rate +/- 15 degrees
30% expo
High Rate +/- 20 degrees
50% expo
Elevator Travel
Low Rate +/- 15 degrees
30% expo
High Rate +/- 20 degrees
50% expo
The above Exponential settings apply only to
computer radios.
Build Instructions
© 2010 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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