Landing Gear and Inter-Plane Struts
Cabane Struts:
Make two sets of struts. Locate two each of ply parts CS1, CS2, and CS3
(sheet 08/08, 1/32 in. ply). Refer to the
Cabane Strut Detail
drawing on the detail sheet. Fit
the cabane struts together over the plan. Bond with CA.
Make sure that the rigging
holes at the
of the struts are not filled with glue.
Lightly sand the cabane struts to
prepare them for painting.
Inter-Plane Struts:
Make two sets of struts. Locate two each of ply parts IS1, IS2, and IS3
(sheet 08/08, 1/32 in. ply). Refer to the
Inter-plane Strut Detail
drawing on the detail sheet.
Fit the parts together over the plan. Bond with CA.
Make sure the rigging holes at the
top and
of the struts are not filled with glue.
Lightly sand the struts in
preparation for painting.
Set the completed strut assemblies aside, until required in final assembly.
If using the wheels supplied in the kit, skip the next three steps, setting the wheels
aside until final assembly. If using the optional wheels (DUB-150ML) available separately
from, follow the steps below to prepare them for finishing.
Use a sharp hobby knife to remove the wheel retainers attached to the wheels. Set the
retainers aside, to use for mounting the wheels in final assembly.
Locate four wheel covers W (sheet 07/08, 1/20 in. balsa). Glue one wheel cover to each
side of each wheel.
Sand the wheel covers to a curved, streamlined shape. Set the completed wheels aside
until required in final assembly.
Final Assembly
Cover the completed sub assemblies of the model at this time. We highly recommend
covering material available from Leave the
of the
fuselage uncovered at this time.
The bottom rear of the fuselage will be
covered after the pushrods are installed.
Pro Builder Tip:
We decorated our display models to represent
Bert Hinkler’s, beloved G-
EACQ. Perhaps the most famous example of the
Avro 534 “Baby”
, setting many distance
and derby records for its time. A separate graphics package for G-EACQ is available from
Paint the landing gear struts, cabane struts, and inter-plane struts to match the chosen
color scheme at this time.
Build Instructions
Avro 534 “Baby”
- Build Instructions © 2014 Stevens AeroModel, all rights reserved.
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