Build Instructions
Push Rods and Receiver
65. Refer to the “Push Rod Detail” on the detail sheet, and make a ‘snake’ bend in the un-taped
end of the wires protruding into the radio compartment.
66. Connect the snake bends to the
hole in the servo tabs, and twist until the end of the
wire points up, away from the circuit board.
67. Install the receiver by fitting the
edge of the circuit board into the notch in the short arm
of the receiver clip. Press down on the
edge of the board until it snaps under the long
arm of the clip.
68. You may now cover the
of the fuselage.
69. Assemble the headrest from two each, balsa parts HR (sheet 06/10, 3/32 in. balsa). Use a
slow setting glue and bond these 3/32 in. thick parts together, carefully matching the HR
parts along their outside edges, creating a single 3/16 in. thick headrest. Use a sanding
block loaded with 120 or 240 grit paper to round the top of part HR, as indicated on the plan
set. Cover or paint the headrest to match your intended trim scheme.
Carefully center the headrest down the
of the turtle deck. Hold it in place with low
tack masking tape, then apply a small bead of medium CA to each side where the headrest
meets the fuselage.
Tail Surfaces
70. Position the vertical stabilizer and rudder on the work surface, oriented with the
bevelled - side facing
. Make sure that there is a 1/64 in. gap between the surfaces,
then secure them to the work surface with low tack masking tape. Slit a length of 1/2 in
wide clear tape down the
, leaving you with a strip about 1/4 in. wide. Apply this strip
over the gap between the surfaces to create a hinge, and trim off the excess tape. Remove
the masking tape, and flex the rudder back and forth, checking for free movement. If there
is binding of any kind, remove the hinge tape and repeat the hinging process, increasing the
gap between the surfaces slightly.
71. Slit the covering over the control horn slot on the
side of the rudder. Press in the
control horn R5 oriented so that the hole in the end of the horn is directly over the hinge
line. Bond the horn to the rudder with medium CA.
72. Repeat the process outlined in step 70 to hinge the elevator to the horizontal stabilizer.
Make sure that the bevelled side of the elevator faces
Ace (100)
- Build Instructions © 2017 Stevens AeroModel, all rights reserved.
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