Suggested Items To Complete This Model
Many of the following items will be available at your local hobby shop. For your convenience Stevens
AeroModel stocks all of the power system components and most of the required and optional building
supplies. If you have difficulties sourcing any of the requisite items locally, please visit our web site to
purchase those items necessary to complete your model.
Required Electronics
(Available at StevensAero.com)
Transmitter with at least 3 channels
Receiver/ESC/Servo Brick [PKZ3351 or PKZUA1151]*
Motor/Gearbox [PKZ3624]
130mm x 70mm Propellor [EFL9051]
130-160 mAh 3.7V LiPo battery.
*SPMAR6400 may be used with computer radio and mix.
Covering Film Requirements
While any high quality model film may be used to finish this model. Superior results will be achieved
using genuine AeroLITE brand model airplane covering film. The lower working temperature and superior
light weight of AeroLITE are especially desirable for this style of model airplane. AeroLITE is 1/3 the
weight of the typical model airplane covering film and will represent a weight savings over competing films
when applied to this model.
2 - Patch Packs or 1 Roll (2M) AeroLITE or AeroFILM
1 - Patch Pack in Trim Color of AeroLite or 1 Roll (1M) AeroTRIM (self adhesive trim)
Wood Sealant Suggestions
While not required, it is suggested that a high quality lacquer based clear sealant be applied SPARINGLY
to seal and protect the wood grain in humid environments. One single light misting of this sealant will be
sufficient to repel water without adding significantly to the models final flying weight. Likewise, much of
this model can be colored using a compatible lacquer based spray paint. Below are our suggestions, feel
free to use your preferred product.
DEFT clear lacquer based sealant (available at most hardware stores).
Design Master Color Tool lacquer based spray paint (available at most art supply stores).
Required Building Supplies and Tools
1/4 oz. Medium CA Glue (PAAPT04)
1/4 oz. Thin CA Glue (PAAPT10)
CA glue applicator tips (PAAPT21)
CA glue accelerator (PAAPT15)
Hobby Knife with ample supply of #11 blades
Sanding block with 400 and 600 grit paper
Heat Gun and Covering Iron
Small Needle Nose Pliers
1/2 in. wide clear tape (DUB916)
Velcro for Battery Mounting (PKZ1039)
Masking Tape (Low tack blue painters tape)
AeroLite Covering Film (1-2 Patch Packs)
Optional Building Supplies and Tools
Balsa Filler (HCAR3401)
Thick CA Glue (PAAPT20)
Modeling Clay for Ballast
CA glue de-bonder (PAAPT16)
Masking Tape (Low tack blue painters tape)
Clear Lacquer based sealant (DEFT)
Lacquer based spray paint (Design Master)
Glass Cleaner
Build Instructions
Fly Baby Bipe UM Build Instructions. © 2012 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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