e T
ogies GmbH & Co. K
aße 91, 32584 Löhne, Germany
, www
RF 96 ST SW868/SW915/SW917/SW922 Vcc extern
2 / 16
Montage- und Anschlussanleitung / Funkschalter
Mounting and wiring instructions / Wireless switch
Instructions de montage et de câblage / Interrupteur sans fil
Istruzioni di montaggio e collegamento / Interruttore wireless
Instruções de montagem e instalação / Interruptor de rádio frequência
Инструкция по монтажу и подключению / Радио-выключатель
Use of the mounting and wiring instructions
Target group: authorised and qualified staff.
All actions described in these instructions may only be performed by
qualified persons who have been trained and authorised by the
operating company.
1. Read and understand these mounting and wiring instructions.
2. Comply with the valid occupational safety and accident prevention
3. Install and operate the device.
Selection and installation of devices and their integration in control
systems demand qualified knowledge of all the relevant laws, as well
as the normative requirements of the machine manufacturer. In case
of doubt, the German language version of these instructions shall
Scope of delivery
1 device, 1 mounting and wiring instructions, carton.
Intended use
The device essentially comprises three parts: the power supply, the
wireless part with an integrated interface for the external sensors and
the connecting part for the external sensors. Power supply is connect-
ed via a M12 plug-in connector. The sensors or switches can be con-
nected in the wiring compartment under the cover. This terminal al-
lows connecting with various sensors with PNP output or other me-
chanical switches with gold-plated contacts. The connecting cable,
Material no. 1189960, can be used. It is available as an accessory. The
mechanical switches must be equipped with a NO/NC contact. It must
be connected to plus (pin 1) and to the entry (pin 4). When exceeding
the threshold, the wireless part sends a signal. The wireless sensor's
voltage is supplied via a M12 plug-in connector. It is equipped with an
internal voltage control to supply the wireless module. The external
sensor must have a PNP output and controls the wireless module via
an interface. Alternatively, a mechanical contact can be connected
which switches A to +.
Mounting and wiring
Mount the device on an even surface. Install the device according to
the mounting and wiring instructions of the receiver. The wireless
range depends heavily on the local conditions. Conductive materials
may strongly affect the radio signal. This also includes thin foils, e.g.
aluminium laminations on insulation materials.
Design of wireless range
The radio signal is attenuated on the way from the transmitter to
the receiver. In addition, the radio signal is attenuated/influenced by
obstacles. The degree of attenuation depends on the material of the
obstacle. The following tables serve as a guide.
Penetration of radio signals:
wood, gypsum, glas uncoated
brick stone, press boards
armoured concrete
metal, aluminium lamination, water
Typical ranges:
Place of use
Wireless range
in free field (SW868/915/917)
450 m
in free field (SW922)
150 m
indoors (SW868/915/917)
40 m
indoors (SW922)
20 m
Field strength meter for range test:
Material No.
swView 868 MHz
swView 915 MHz
on request
- Nationale, lokale und gesetzliche Bestimmungen zur Entsorgung
- Materialien getrennt dem Recycling zuführen.
Das Gerät nicht in Verbindung mit Geräten benutzen, die direkt oder
indirekt gesundheits- oder lebenssichernden Zwecken dienen oder
durch deren Betrieb Gefahren für Menschen, Tiere oder Sachwerte
entstehen können.
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Umbauten und Veränderungen
am Gerät sind nicht gestattet. Die hier beschriebenen Produkte wur-
den entwickelt, um als Teil einer Gesamtanlage oder Maschine sicher-
heitsgerichtete Funktionen zu übernehmen. Es liegt im Verantwor-
tungsbereich des Herstellers einer Anlage oder Maschine, die korrek-
te Gesamtfunktion sicherzustellen. steute übernimmt keine Haftung
für Empfehlungen, die durch diese Beschreibung gegeben oder impli-
ziert werden. Aufgrund dieser Beschreibung können keine neuen, über
die allgemeinen steute-Lieferbedingungen hinausgehenden, Garan-
tie-, Gewährleistungs- oder Haftungsansprüche abgeleitet werden.
Bei allen Arbeiten, die das Öffnen des Gerätes erforderlich machen,
auf ausreichenden ESD-Schutz achten.
Deutsch (Originalbetriebsanleitung)