This illustration shows the standard arrangement of
This illustration shows the standard arrangement of
the warning and
the warning and
indicator lights. Some lights shown
indicator lights. Some lights shown
here may not be installed on
here may not be installed on
your vehicle.
your vehicle.
Red warning lights may also come on if the engine
Red warning lights may also come on if the engine
is started when the battery is not sufficiently
is started when the battery is not sufficiently
charged. Charge or replace
charged. Charge or replace
the battery.
the battery.
Warning and indicator lights
Warning and indicator lights
A red warning light, if illuminated, warns you
A red warning light, if illuminated, warns you
of a serious problem with the vehicle, and
of a serious problem with the vehicle, and
possible accident danger. Do not continue to
possible accident danger. Do not continue to
drive the vehicle if a red warning light illumi-
drive the vehicle if a red warning light illumi-
nates. Bring the vehicle to a complete stop
nates. Bring the vehicle to a complete stop
and investigate the cause of the problem. If
and investigate the cause of the problem. If
necessary, have your vehicle repaired by an
necessary, have your vehicle repaired by an
authorized Sterling service
authorized Sterling service