Seat and steering wheel
Seat and steering wheel adjustments
To help prevent injury in the event of a sudden
To help prevent injury in the event of a sudden
stop or accident, the driver and all passengers
stop or accident, the driver and all passengers
must wear their seat belts
must wear their seat belts properly fastened.
properly fastened.
Before fastening your seat belt, sit back in your
Before fastening your seat belt, sit back in your
seat with your back straight. If a
seat with your back straight. If a seat belt is used
seat belt is used
correctly, it can prevent or lessen the serious-
correctly, it can prevent or lessen the serious-
ness of an injury.
ness of an injury.
For details of seat belt usage for children and
For details of seat belt usage for children and
pregnant women, see “Seat
pregnant women, see “Seat belt safety.”
belt safety.”
P. 4-6
P. 4-6
Never use a single seat belt for more than one
Never use a single seat belt for more than one
person. A seat belt is not designed to protect
person. A seat belt is not designed to protect
two persons at once.
two persons at once.
Replace any seat belt if it
Replace any seat belt if it is cut or frayed, or if
is cut or frayed, or if its
buckle does not work properly. A damaged or
buckle does not work properly. A damaged or
malfunctioning seat belt might not provide ade-
malfunctioning seat belt might not provide ade-
quate protection in
quate protection in an emergency
an emergency..
The left and right seats are equipped with 3-
The left and right seats are equipped with 3-
point lap and shoulder belts with Emergency
point lap and shoulder belts with Emergency
Locking Retractor (ELR), while the middle seat
Locking Retractor (ELR), while the middle seat
has a 2-point lap belt.
has a 2-point lap belt.
Seat belts
Seat belts
To prevent injury, passengers must never
To prevent injury, passengers must never
be in the cargo area while the vehicle is in
be in the cargo area while the vehicle is in
motion. Do not move the vehicle unless
motion. Do not move the vehicle unless all
passengers are seated, with their seat
passengers are seated, with their seat
belts properly fastened.
belts properly fastened.
Seat belts should be worn as low as possi-
Seat belts should be worn as low as possi-
ble over the hips. Wearing a seat belt
ble over the hips. Wearing a seat belt
across the abdomen could cause an
across the abdomen could cause an injury
since undue pressure would be placed on
since undue pressure would be placed on
internal organs in the event of a
internal organs in the event of a collision.
Make sure that the seat belt is not twisted
Make sure that the seat belt is not twisted
when fastening it. A twisted seat belt could
when fastening it. A twisted seat belt could
cause an injury. Its reduced width would
cause an injury. Its reduced width would
apply a larger force to a smaller part of
apply a larger force to a smaller part of
your body in the event of
your body in the event of impact.
Always stop the vehicle before attempting
Always stop the vehicle before attempting
to adjust your seat
to adjust your seat belt. To fasten or unfas-
belt. To fasten or unfas-
ten your seat belt while driving could lead
ten your seat belt while driving could lead
to a serious accident.
to a serious accident.