Sterling Power Products
Return to factory default:
This shall irreversibly erase
all previously entered settings
. Press and hold both
buttons for 30 and let go. The LED columns shall
alternatively flash. To confirm factory default press BOTH
buttons again for 2 seconds. Once confirmed, 3 green
LEDs on the left and right shall flash. Then, LEDs on the
front panel shall light up in a clockwise pattern. The unit
should then reboot with the default settings. To reject
factory default settings, simply let the LED columns
continue alternatively flashing.
To view charger’s status:
Simply hold the SELECT button for 1 second and the right
LED should flash indicating the status of the charger. This
shall flash for 8 seconds. To return quickly, press the
SETUP/ENTER button once.
Force unit to operate without output battery connected
( i.e. as a power pack / live output ).
This mode shall allow the unit to operate without needing a
voltage on the output terminal. Hold down SETUP/ENTER
button for 15+ seconds and let go. The boost, absorption
and float LEDs shall flash. A green LED (18) on the right
panel should appear and this indicates that voltage check
is on (default mode) to change it to off press the SELECT
button and a red LED (24) below should turn on. With the
red LED on the unit shall now operate without the need for
an output voltage. Press both buttons together to save this
setting or wait 30 seconds for the unit to reboot.
On reboot, the
comes on for
10 seconds to confirm power pack mode.
Force Float :
Before accessing float mode please be sure you know
what float mode is and what voltage float mode is for your
profile. Simply hold both buttons down for 2 seconds and
let go. This will lock the charger into float (BLUE LED - top
right - number 15 shall come on). The charger shall now
remain in float and resume bulk/absorption on restarting.
To force the unit out of float repeat the procedure.
Force unit off / on:
This shall deactivate the unit, output goes to 0.0V. Hold
both setup and select buttons
for 5 - 9 seconds. Left column
LEDs shall turn off. The NO FAULT (solid) and Auto Mode
(solid) LEDs shall be on. The unit will remain off, even with
normal engine cycling on and off (although if the unit is
disconnected from the input battery then it will resume
normal operation on re-connection). To turn the unit back
on, hold the 2 buttons for 5-9 seconds.
When OFF, the user
can not access charger’s normal functions.
Force unit to ½ power (stays on until unit is turned off):
This will reduce the units power by about 50%. Hold
button only
for 5-9 seconds. To confirm the power reduction
LED shall flash 5 times. This function will help reduce noise
in the long term. To return to full power, press the setup
button again for 5-9 seconds.
Force unit to ½ power / low speed fan
for 8 hours only (night mode):
This will reduce the unit’s power by around 50%
for about 8 hours.
select button only
2-4 seconds
, power reduction shall be confirmed when the
1/2 power and night LED flashes 4 times. This function will
help reduce fan noise in the short term, in the evenings, for
example. The unit will revert back to full power after 8 hours
automatically. Please note that night mode has to be set
every single time you wish to use it. It can
be set to
come on at a certain time daily.
Force Options
Quick Guide to the
buttons on the front panel
Force unit to float. On/off toggle.
Turn unit on / off toggle.
Battery type select.
Input cut off voltage.
Reset unit to default.
Toggle Power Supply mode
(provides live output voltage)
Display software version
battery temp
Regen timer adjustment: default 2 minutes
(Regen low voltage timer time).
The default auto Regen time is 120 sec. = 2 min.
The timer is prepped at 13.6V-19.0V on the input.
If the input voltage then falls below 13.3V (x2 for 24V)
the auto regen timer starts to count. If the voltage does
not rise above 13.6V the timer will not reset and the unit
will switch off, however, as soon as the voltage rises
above 13.6V the auto regen timer will automatically reset
to the set value (default = 120sec).
To deactivate the auto regen mode set the auto regen time
to 0 seconds.
By pressing the
Setup / Enter
only button for more than 10
seconds you will enter the Auto Regen Time Setup. During
the whole Auto Regen Setup the “Absorption” LED will
1. Absorption LED flashing and actual saved auto Regen
time will be displayed on the right bar. Use the 0 to 840
scale. If the unit is out of the factory the 120 (default)
should be displayed.
2. Press right button to increase or left button to decrease
3. To deactivate the auto regen function set timer value to
0. When happy with your choice either wait 30 seconds or
press both buttons at the same time for 2 seconds.
4. Absorption LED, AGM II and Auto Mode LEDs will flash
10 times to confirm value saving.
5. Unit will restart with new Auto Regen time as default and
will remain there until changed again.
If you have changed the cutoff voltage
remember that the auto regen counter reset
must see 0.3V on top of the new cutoff voltage.
I.e. You set the new cut off voltage at 14.0V. To reset
the Auto Regen timer the voltage must rise above
SVEM - Stationary Vehicle Engage Mode.
If your usage pattern is mostly stationary, e.g. You are at
the side of the road and you start the vehicle just to run an
inverter - the problem is that the vehicle’s alternator may
only be at 13.3V (and not give a high voltage boost) and
stay there, in this case the Pro Batt Ultra would not engage
as it needs greater than 13.6V to start. The ideal solution
is to have fitted the ignition feed mode (as per explained in
these instructions). However, if the auto mode was used
and the ignition feed had not been installed then you could
use the
Stationary vehicle engagement mode.
This mode allows the product to engage at a much lower
voltage (13.1V) and disengage below (13.0V). To select
this mode: Press SELECT button for 15+ seconds and let
go, No Fault LEDs should be on solid and the Regen timer
LED should be solid. To remove this setting then do the
same again.
setting is
the Stationary Vehicle Engage Mode
operating the unit at voltages which may cause problems
in the winter to the starting of the vehicle - please bear this
in mind we do not have enough history with this setting to
make any guarantees that it shall complement winter
conditions - as low voltages could cause vehicle starting
Stationary vehicle engage mode.
Unit on at 13.1V input.
When input below 12.9V, a 20 second
timer starts - if still below 12.9V after the 20
seconds the unit goes to sleep. Requires
13.1V to come on again.