28 Maintenance Basics – Tube
Grease (AquaShield
) the cover bushing ONLY and replace
the cover and the screws, leaving the front screw in-
between the fittings loose enough to rotate the tube
fitting, in order to center tube on rollers.
Centering the Pump Tube
To center the pump tube on the rollers, set the Feed Rate
dial to a setting of 10. Turn pump on.
Turn the IN (suction) tube fitting located on the bottom of
the pump head not more than 1/8 of a turn in the direction
the tube must move.
Do not let go of fitting until the tube rides approximately
in the center of the rollers.
Additional information
If pump head housing screws
are stripped, use alternate
bosses and position them
opposite each other. Use
only two at a time.