The system is designed to operate under one of many load management control strategies.
1. BACnet Control
Steffes commercial heating furnaces are available with a BACnet control option. This device is easily
integrated into most building automation systems to provide building managers full control and
visibility of the heating system’s operation. BACnet allows the following functions to be monitored
with simple, twisted pair communication:
• Real time system monitoring
• Full thermostat control
• Monitoring of heat storage levels in the brick and all system temperatures
Remote configuration, testing and adjustment
• Service requirement alerts
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2. 4-20 Milliamp Control (1-5 volt DC)
System receives a signal from an external load control device such as a building load management
system. This external signal dictates the maximum amount of energy which can be consumed
during a preset time interval.
3. Pulse Monitoring
System monitors pulse outputs from the power company’s electric meter. Program parameters
such as desired maximum building kW and pulse ratios for the metering system being used are
programmed into the ThermElect Hydronic system. The system then charges proportionally when
demand free power is available. This keeps the total building kW usage at or below the desired level.
4. Conventional Peak Control
The ThermElect Hydronic system responds to heat calls during the on-peak and off-peak periods;
however, only consumes energy (energize heating elements) during the off-peak periods. The
ThermElect Hydronic system is controlled by an external control device such as a meter, time clock
module, or BACnet control.