Many times, problems can be the result of improper assembly. Reference the Assembly Directions
document to ensure the Table is assembled correctly. If so, reference the troubleshooting steps throughout
this document.
Having a spare part that is known to work will quickly lead to accurate identification of faulty components.
Without this, it can be little more than guesswork.
Steelcase strongly recommends that every Dealer maintain a small kit of parts for troubleshooting purposes.
This kit of parts should include:
1. Lifting Column
qty=2 Service Part no. 003072DSR
2. Control Box
qty=1 Service Part no. 003071DSR
3. Controller (digital)
qty=1 Service Part no. 005291DSR
4. Low-Voltage Cable (2m)
qty=2 Service Part no. 003067DSR
5. Power Cable
qty=1 Service Part no. 003068DSR
Always maintain a complete kit of troubleshooting spare parts that are known to work properly, to quickly
identify the root cause of problems and resolve customer issues on the first try.
Step 1:
Check for power at the wall outlet; ensure the Table is properly assembled, and all cables are
securely connected.
Step 2:
Check all connections of Low-Voltage Cables: are any of the pins in the connectors damaged or
not making contact?
(see Fig. 2 on page 5)
Step 3:
Obtain a Control Box, Controller, Power Cable and Low-Voltage Cable that are known to work.
Step 4:
Using the known good components, test the Lifting Columns one by one.
(see Common
Replace any faulty Lifting Columns.
Between each of the following steps, be sure to initialize the Control Box.
(see Common Procedures)
Step 5:
If Lifting Columns operate properly, progressively swap out parts in the test setup as follows:
A. Swap the known-good Power Cable with the original from the non-functioning Table.
If it stops working, the Power Cable is faulty.
B. Using the original Power Cable, swap the known-good, Low-Voltage Cable with the original
from the non-functioning Table. If it stops working, the Low-Voltage Cable is faulty.
C. Using the original Power and Low-Voltage Cables, swap the known-good Controller with
the original from the non-functioning Table. If it stops working, the Controller is faulty.
D. Using the original Power and Low-Voltage Cables, and the Controller, swap the known-good
Control Box with the original from the non-functioning Table. If it stops working, the Control
Box is faulty.
Be sure to go through all of the steps above to fully identify all faulty components.
There could be more than one!
This guide applies to models shipped prior to December 2015 only.