Safety Precautions
Safety Tips for Those Assisting User
While operating the wheelchair, do not touch the wheels. The person pushing the wheelchair
has a risk of having their hand(s) caught in the wheel. Ensure that they use the handles when
pushing the wheelchair.
Do not use armrests to push the wheelchair. This wheelchair has movable armrests, thus
using the armrests when pushing the wheelchair could lead to the wheelchair overturning or
causing other types of accidents.
Pushing wheelchair position. Since there is a risk of a wheelchair overturning, the person
pushing the wheelchair could also be injured so it is imperative that the handles are used
when pushing the wheelchair.
When installing wheels, ensure that quick release button has been returned to a closed
position. If your wheels should happen to fall off, the wheelchair could overturn and cause
an accident.
Whether removing / installing wheels or having someone push the wheelchair, the user must
thoroughly explain usage.