LAN Clients
To add a LAN client select LAN clients, under LAN. If DHCP is used, all DHCP
clients are automatically assigned. If a fixed IP address server is on the LAN
and you want this server to be visible via the WAN, you must add its IP
address. Once the IP address has been added to you can apply Port
Forwarding and Access Control rules to this IP address.
Figure 1-19: LAN Clients
Application (UPnP)
UPnP, NAT and Firewall Traversal allow traffic to pass-thru the Lynx L-320 for
applications using the UPnP protocol. This feature requires one active DSL
connection. In presence of multiple DSL connections, select the one over,
which the incoming traffic will be present, for example the default Internet
To enable UPnP, you must first have a WAN connection configured. Once a
WAN connection is configured, click Advanced and under Advanced, select
UPnP. You must enable UPnP and then select which connection will utilize
UPnP. In this case the PPPoA connection is enabled. See Fig 1-20.