4. Install the Handrail
Both handrails are installed in a similar manner.
Locate the handrails (Qty. 2) and handrail grommets (Qty. 2), slide the grommet onto each handrail. Insert the
connecting tube of the handrail into the handrail stub in the display console. Now slide the handrail fully into the
console. Secure the handrail to the treadmill base assembly with four 5/16"-18 x 1.0" socket head bolts
5/16 lock
washers, and 5/16" flat washers. Secure the handrail to the display console with two 1/4"-28 x 3/8" button head bolts.
Install the remaining handrail in similar manner.
5. Connect the Display Cable
Connect the main interface ribbon cable and DC power cable to corresponding connectors on the console.
At the treadmill base connect the main interface ribbon cable and DC power cable to the corresponding MCB
Note: - The S-TRx models only has the main interface ribbon cable, there is no DC power cable on these units.
- MCB connector location of S-TRx and S-TRc are different, but the connecting procedure is the same. The
picture shown above is S-TRc.
5/16-18 x 1” Socket Head Bolts
5/16 Lock Washers
5/16 Flat Washers
1/4-28 x 3/8” Socket Head Bolts
DC Power
I/O Ribbon Cable
I/O Ribbon Cable
This plug is only used
when installing PVS kit