Star Microwave Cirius SHC , 2016
This document contains safety notices in accordance with appropriate standards. In the interests of
conformity with the territory standards for the country concerned, the equivalent territorial
admonishments are also shown.
Any installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair of the equipment must only be carried out by
trained, authorized personnel. At all times, personnel must comply with any safety notices and
Specific hazards are indicated by symbol labels on or near the affected parts of the equipment. The
labels conform to international standards, are triangular in shape, and are colored black on a yellow
background. An informative text label may accompany the symbol label.
Hazard labeling is supplemented by safety notices in the appropriate equipment manual. These
notices contain additional information on the nature of the hazard and may also specify precautions.
These draw the attention of personnel to hazards which may cause death or injury to the operator or
others. Examples of use are cases of high voltage, laser emission, toxic substances, points of high
temperature, etc.
These draw the attention of personnel to hazards which may cause damage to the equipment. An
example of use is the case of static electricity hazard.
Caution notices may also be used in the handbook to draw attention to matters that do not constitute
a risk of causing damage to the equipment but where there is a possibility of seriously impairing its
performance, e.g. by mishandling or gross maladjustment. Warnings and Cautions within the main
text do not incorporate labels and may be in shortened form.