SRA User
Manual ◄ 11
Engine Operation
Low oil protection
The motor is equipped with low oil protection:
• If the motor oil is too low, the motor won't start.
• When the starter handle (1) is pulled, the control light (2)
blinks. In this case
- Check the motor oil level and top it off, if necessary.
• Repeat the starting process.
Start the Engine
• Turn the fuel tap (3) «ON».
• Set the choke lever (4) to «CLOSE».
Do not use the choke (4) if the motor is hot or
the outdoor temperature is high. If the motor
doesn't start at operating temperature, close
the choke before starting.
• Set the throttle (5) to «MIN».
If the motor doesn't start, set the throttle lever
about 1/3 of the way to «MAX».