Installation Instructions for 83KM/93KM–85KM/95KM IDH Max Cylindrical Locks
a Product Group of Stanley Security Solutions, Inc
Preparing the door and door jamb
Drill hole for field wire harness
Caution 1: Check with your local fire marshal
before drilling a fire-rated door. Drilling through
a fire-rated door may void the fire label.
Caution 2: Drill carefully through the door,
making sure the drill does not break through the
face of the door.
1 Remove the hinge nearest to the door status switch
2 Using a three (3) to four (4) foot drill bit, drill a 3/8
diameter hole through the door, from the bottom of
the door status switch hole to the center of the hinge
Note: It may be easier to drill halfway from each side of
the door.
Prepare for wire transfer hinge and run
field wiring
1 Drill a wire access hole through the frame side of the
hinge mortise
2 Drill holes (or pockets) for the splice connectors in the
frame and door. Refer to the hinge manufacturer’s
specifications for the hole location.
3 De-burr the holes to prevent damage to the hinge
4 Run the power field wiring from the location for the
lock’s power supply to the location for the wire
transfer hinge.
Note: For an overview of the system, see the figure on
page 1. For specifications for power and
communication field wiring, see Components
checklist, on page 2.
5 Run the communication field wiring from the location
for the panel interface module to the location for the
door transfer hinge.
6 Pull the field wiring down the wall and through the
access hole in the frame.
Figure 3
Drilling the hole for the field wire harness
Hinge mortise
Hole through door
Inside of door
Door status
switch hole
Figure 4
Preparing for the wire transfer hinge
Holes for splice
Field wiring
(2 power &
2 communication)
Door frame