stage accompany
Start communication
There are two ways to remotely control and monitor your SA Digital Series amp from your PC;
1. through USB, using the Neutrik USB connector located at the right on the front of the SA
Digital Series amp.
2. through Ethernet (LAN), using one of the two Neutrik etherCON connectors located right at
the back of the SA Digital Series amp.
To configure or monitor your SA Digital Series amp(s) you do the following;
Double-click the
configuration icon on your desktop to start
Stage Accompany Stage Control
the software.
If no SA Digital Series amps are discovered during start-up the screen looks like the figure below.
To let the program discover your SA Digital Series amp(s) you do the following;
Connect your SA Digital Series amp(s) to your PC using the USB port on the front or, if your PC is
connected to a LAN, use one of the two switched 10/100Base-TX Ethernet ports on the back
of the amp.
Because the Stage Control software is constantly polling for new devices newly connected
devices will automatically be discovered and added to the device list (see figure below).
After discovering each device can be given an user defined name and can be placed in an
user defined group.
The amps IP-address can be manually entered (through the configuration screen;
Hardware –
Configure – Network Settings
) or automatically provided by a DHCP server. If no DHCP server
is available on the network the Digital Series can also communicate through an APIPA
Automatic Private IP Addressing)
The software will only discover devices which are connected
to the same network and in the same subnet.