Firmware update
All firmware updates will be announced on our webpage. By downloading our Staaker Assist
app you can easily update your drone and tracker. Staaker Assist requires internet connection
and will download and update the latest firmware version for you. Staaker Assist will also notify
you if there is a new firmware since last time you updated your Staaker when you are plugged
You can easily see what firmware Version you have on your Staaker by going to “About” in the
tracker main menu. You can see the changes in the new version by clicking <Help>-
<Changelog> in Staaker Assist
It’s best practice that you always update both tracker and drone with the latest firmware,
different versions are
Step by Step Guide:
Go to
and download the latest version of Staaker Assist for your
Check if you got the latest firmware at
or Staaker Assist, your current
firmware is listed in the
About Screen
in the tracker main menu.
Plug in your drone with the USB (using the orange micro usb cable) to your computer
and press “Update Staaker Firmware”.
Wait for completion in Staaker Assist. When the drone firmware is complete and the
flight log is uploaded, unplug the drone.
Connect the Tracker with the USB (using the orange micro usb cable) to your computer
Press <Update Tracker Firmware> in Staaker Assist
Wait for completion in Staaker Assist, unplug you Tracker
Confirm version by checking About screen in your tracker main menu
Re-pair the tracker and drone if necessary.