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16 Septembre 2002 Revision 1.1
Application Note
How to Use the TDA911X and Improve Performances
TDA911x Deflection Processors at a Glance
The TDA911x is a family of deflection processors for multisync monitors, incorporating horizontal
and vertical processing, geometry correction, dynamic corrections (focus and/or brightness etc.),
DC/DC conversion and various safety and auxiliary functions. They are entirely controlled through
an I²C interface.
The TDA9112 was designed as an upgrade of the TDA9109/9111, using the same 32-pin shrink
DIP package. The pin-out remains nearly the same in order to simplify new layouts; however some
minor changes were necessary, mainly to pack more functions inside. Those already familiar with
TDA9109/9111 will recognize all the functions and operation styles they are accustomed to use.
For low- and medium-range applications where certain sophisticated features are not required,
several different economical versions of the TDA9112 are available: TDA9113, TDA9115 and
summarizes their respective features. All versions are pin- and software-
compatible, with minor exceptions
Recently, the most complete version of the TDA9112 has been upgraded into the higher
performance TDA9112A. Improvements concern mainly geometry and focus corrections, but also
jitter behavior, B+ function, safety and I²C control. The design guidelines provide that the
TDA9112A should operate at once when fitted in the place of an existing TDA9112 (even if the
ideal I²C register settings may differ slightly).
Section 2: Special Features of the TDA9112A
summarizes the improvements incorporated in
TDA9112A. For a detailed description of each, please refer to the relevant chapters.
1. Hard-wired H Moire function of the TDA9115/9116 replaces the Focus/Brightness functions.
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