Figure 21.
ST25DV64KC-DISCO read Email content display
If the MCU reads the ST25DV-I2C tag memory, it does not contain an e-mail, an error message is displayed.
Smart phone and e-mail NDEF
Refer to
Reading and writing NDEF on a smart phone with the Android ST25 application
vCard demonstration
indicates how to manage vCard content in the ST25DV-I2C tag.
With the MCU, the user:
Stores an NDEF message containing a vCard. Depending on the size of the ST25DV-I2C tag, this vCard
may or may not embed a picture
Reads the ST25DV-I2C tag content.
If the vCard was previously stored, the following information is displayed on the board screen: name, title,
organization, cell phone number, work address and work e-mail.
The vCard with an embedded picture needs around 3 Kbytes of memory and cannot be stored in the ST25DV-
I2C tag devices with smaller memory sizes, the ST25DV64 (with 64 kbits) must be used.
If the MCU reads the ST25DV-I2C tag memory, it does not contain a vCard, an error message is displayed.
Only vCard 2.1 is implemented in this firmware version. If the user stores a vCard 3.0 in the ST25DV-I2C tag,
the firmware issues an error message.
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