Hardware and layout
Doc ID 023645 Rev 1
4.3.2 STM8AL
The STM8AL board includes the following LEDs and their description is:
LD1 COM: LD1 default status is red. LD1 turns to green to indicate that communications are
in progress between the PC and the ST-LINK/V2.
LD2 PWR: red LED indicates that the board is powered and that 3.3 V is generated by the
regulator supplied by the L99PM62GXP power management IC.
User LD3: red LED is a user LED connected to the I/O PE7 of the STM8AL3L68T.
User LD4: green LED is a user LED connected to the I/O PC7 of the STM8AL3L68T.
STM8AL board Push buttons
The STM8AL board includes two push buttons:
USER1: User button connected to the I/O PE1 of STM8AL3L68T.
USER2: User button connected to the I/O PE2 of STM8AL3L68T.
STM8AL board built-in I
measurement circuit
The STM8AL board built-in I
measurement circuit allows the consumption of the
STM8AL3L68T to be measured and displayed on the LCD Glass while the MCU is in Run or
Low power saving modes.
JP2 in ON position: STM8AL3L68T is powered through I
measurement circuit
JP2 in OFF position: STM8AL3L68T is powered directly by +3V3, I
circuit is bypassed.
Note: When jumper JP2 is removed the current consumption of the STM8AL3L68T can be
measured by connecting an ammeter between jumper JP2 pin 1 and pin 2.
For I
measurement by the MCU itself, the circuit below is implemented on the STM8AL
board. Solder bridges SB6, SB7 and SB8 must be closed and a jumper must be plugged
between JP2 pin 2 and pin 3.