Hardware and layout
Doc ID 023645 Rev 1
4.3.1 STM8AL3L68T
This automotive 8-bit ultralow power MCU has 32 Kbytes Flash, 1 Kbytes data EEPROM,
RTC, LCD, timers, USART, I2C, SPI, ADC, DAC and comparators.
Figure 14.
STM8AL3L68T package
This microcontroller belongs to the STM8AL family and provides the following benefits:
Integrated system
Up to 32 Kbytes of medium-density embedded Flash program memory
1 Kbyte of data EEPROM
Internal high speed and low-power low speed RC.
Embedded reset
Ultralow power consumption
195 µA/MHZ + 440 µA (consumption)
0.9 µA with LSI in Active-halt mode
Clock gated system and optimized power management
Capability to execute from RAM for Low power wait mode and Low power run
Advanced features
Up to 16 MIPS at 16 MHz CPU clock frequency
Direct memory access (DMA) for memory-to-memory or peripheral-to-memory
Short development cycles
Application scalability across a common family product architecture with
compatible pinout, memory map and modular peripherals.
Wide choice of development tools
This device offers 12-bit ADC, DAC, two comparators, real-time clock, three 16-bit timers,
one 8-bit timer as well as standard communication interfaces such as SPI, I2C and USART.
A 4x28-segment LCD is available on the medium-density STM8AL3L68T device.
32 Kbytes of Flash memory
1 Kbytes of EEPROM
2 Kbytes of RAM
LQFP48 7x7