Logic supply voltage (VDD)
It is possible to provide the gate driver control logic supply VDD in three alternative ways to match driver input
threshold with the controlling signals voltage swing:
Using the onboard 3.3 V Zener D2 regulator to supply VDD. The Zener is supplied from DC-DC input
voltage VAUX. So only the 5 V VAUX DC-DC supply input is powered to supply the whole system (default
Supplying externally VDD net from J9 or J10 (pin 6) with a voltage between 3 V and 5.5 V.
Supplying externally VDD and VAUX together (VDD max. 5.5 V).
In case the default option is not used, it is required to modify JP22 according to
and R17 according to
also to avoid regulator components damage.
Table 3.
Logic supply voltage selection (VDD)
3.3 V, onboard (default)
2-3 closed
VDD generated from VAUX with Zener diode D2
3.3 V, external
VDD directly supplied from J9 or J10 (pin 6)
VDD = VAUX, external
1-2 closed
VDD and VAUX (DC-DC supply) tied together by JP22
The R17 resistor value has been selected for using 5 V input DC-DC module. If a different VAUX input voltage is
used, follow
to modify resistor R17 (which biases Zener D2) to avoid resistor overheating.
Table 4.
R17 value selection with a 3.3 V Zener diode D2 regulator
DCDC module supply input voltage VAUX
3.3 V
Do not care
1-2 closed
5 V (default)
240 Ω
2-3 closed or JP22 open
12 V
1200 Ω
2-3 closed or JP22 open
15 V
1500 Ω
2-3 closed or JP22 open
24 V
2700 Ω
2-3 closed or JP22 open
Logic supply voltage (VDD)
Rev 1
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