Generally valid system parameters – DECT
Maximum permitted peak transmis-
sion power of the end device
250 mW
DECT system behaviour
Wireless connections between
handset and base station are only
active during a call. The base station
also always sends a signal to each
registered handset at regular inter-
vals for synchronisation purposes.
For each call established or
incoming call, a channel selected by
the handset is specified for the com
munication with the base station.
The handset searches for and selects
the most suitable channel.
Permitted number of dropped calls
due to technical reasons according
to the DECT standard
Siedle Scope and DECT
Local communication must func-
tion reliably at all times.
DECT telephony standard is unri
valled when it comes to meeting this
Siedle Scope establishes the cord
less connection via DECT and
has extended DECT with video
The result is a mobile
video intercom with high audio
quality, availability, standby time
and operational reliability.
also features high levels of security
to prevent manipulation and eaves-
dropping. DECT connections are
encrypted anyway and do not need
the Internet to work. That reduces
possible areas of attack for unau
thorised access.
DECT system ranges