Resistance to ground measurement: Use one OMEG-EP (2.27kg=5lbs) electrode, and connect
the black test cable to the ground for Resistance-to-Ground(Rtg) measurements.
Resistance to Top(Surface point to point): Use two OMEG-EP (2.27kg=5lbs) electrodes for
resistance Point to Point(Rtt) measurements.
Ensure that the item being measured is elecrically isolated (placed on an insulative surface).
The meter will measure the lowest resistance path.
The meter will automatically switchits test voltage from 10V to 10V when the measured
resistance is 1 x 106 ohm or greater to meet the pocedure outlined in ESD TR53.
Minimized crossing the test leads whe possible.
When using OMEG-EP(2.27kg=5lbs) electrodes:
• Place them no closer than 50mm the edhe of the surfce being measured.
• Place them no closer than 76mm to any groundable point.
• Place them about 250mm apart from each other for Rtt measurements of worksurface.
• Place them about 76mm apart from each other for Rtt measurement of a floor.
Preferable electrode placements include:
• Most commonly used area of a surface
• Most worn area
• Center of surface
• Furtherst area from a ground point
If the suface to be measured has sections (i.e. floor tiles, garment panels), place the
(2.27kg=5lbs) electrodes on different sections for Rtt measurements.
Clean the materials's surface for thest lab measurements, but do not clean the surface for
materials that are already installed. Only clean and re-test the insutalled material if failure
Measure Resistance-to-Ground(Rtg)
Test procedure in accordance with ANSIESD S4.1 section 6.4 Periodic Worksurface Testing:
1. Do not cean the surface of material
2. Remove from the surface only those items that might interfere with the test. ESD sensitive
devices shall also be removed.
3. Connect the black test cable to a groundgable point.
4. Connect the red test cable to one (2.27kg=5lbs) electrode, and place the electrode on the
furthest convenient point on the surface.
5. Push the red pushbutton to perform a measurement. Shoud the 15-second elecrification
period appear, it may be bypassed by pusshing the red pushbutton again.
6. Push the right black puschbutton to save the measurement.
7. Perform additional measurements by placing the electrode on the most commonly used or
worn area.