Caliper Piston Removal
Caliper service is only required if the pistons are damaged or if the system has been contaminated with DOT 5 or mineral oil.
If the calipers are operating normally, they do not require disassembly and service. Clean the calipers and install brake pads.
C a l i p e r P i s t o n R e m o v a l
DOT brake fluid will damage painted surfaces. If any fluid comes in contact with a painted surface (i.e. your frame) or printing on the brakes, wipe
it off immediately and clean it with isopropyl alcohol or water. Damage to painted and/or printed surfaces by DOT brake fluid is not covered under
Insert two brake rotors into the caliper and into the rotor slot.
Squeeze the brake lever to advance the pistons until they contact the
Remove the rotors.
Install the pad retention bolt.
Insert the pad spacer so that it snaps onto the pad retention bolt.
2.5 mm
20 mm or 15 mm Thru Axle
2.4 mm pad spacer