floor for ease of operation. Raising or lowering the handle the handle can cause the machine to pull to the right or
left. A neutral handle position will provide a neutral operation.
6) Squeeze the power bar with both hands to start machine. Release power bar to stop machine.
Note: Releasing power bar will immediately stop the machine.
Troubleshooting Guide
Problem Cause
Machine will not start
Not connected to power source
Defective switch
Check power source connection
lighted plug
Contact Square Scrub dealer
Runs erratically
Low voltage from excessive length
Or undersized extension cord
Defective start switch
Defective motor low voltage
Use 12 gauge extension cord
Not more than 25’ long
Contact Square Scrub dealer
Contact Square Scrub dealer
Fuse/Circuit Breaker Trips
Low voltage
Allow the motor to cool. The circuit
breaker is a red button on the side
of the motor that will reset when
Eliminate extension cord.
Locate power cord closer to work
Have voltage checked by electrician.
Machine pulls hard on one side
Note : The rubber isolators on the EBG are considered
wear items. It is recommended to replace the entire set
of all four isolators once per year to prevent failure and
damage to the machine.
Rubber isolators worn out
Worn pad
Replace isolators.
Flip pad over
Machine is noticeably louder than it
was when original purchased.
Rubber isolators worn.
Replace isolators.
Machine Serial Number:_____________
Date of Purchase: _________________