scheduler to start and stop recording at the specified time period, which repeats every day.
Single timer is used to start and stop only once at given time and date. The last is weekly
timer, where you can specify a different time periods for each day of a week. Every time set
to 00:00 is ignored, which enables to schedule recording for example over the midnight.
Please note, every time you remove the batteries or the batteries are too weak to operate the
recorder, the real time clock is lost and must be synchonized again.
The last part of a configuration contains various options. LED should be disabled in this
window to allow discrete mode of operation. Only flashes during recording are disabled.
Indication of power up, start and stop sequence is not affected by this option. The real time
clock is synchronized according the preset time stored on micro SD card. When you select in
this window power-up date and time, this date and time is synchronized inside the recorder
when the card is inserted into a recorder and the recorder is powered up by inserting the
batteries. All recordings should be password protected by using password protection.
Password protection
When the password protection is enabled and the password is entered, all recorded audio will
be protected by using this password. When you open the image file, you’ll have to type
correct password to open all audio records.
Export of records
Each record should be exported and stored to your local hard drive in WAV format. To do
this, select from one exporting options in main menu „Records“. All records are stored to
selected directory, which you can change by menu item „Select directory for export“. Long
records should be split into more files. Use option in menu “Records->Maximum size of
exported file” to specify maximum size of each exported WAV file.