Types of supported SDHC cards
The recorder supports a wide range of micro SDHC cards, however we recommend you to use
our included card for best performance. The cards from the other brands should consume
more power and this should affect the power consumption significantly in recording mode.
Maximum supported card size is 32GB.
Record Manager
The software Record Manager is used for handling all records and configuration of the
recorder. All funcions are described in a separate manual for this application. This software is
a common application used for all of our recorders and only a configuration (or only a part of
the configuration) is a specific part for each recorder type. This part is described below.
Before you start changing the configuration, keep in mind all the configuration is stored on
microSD card. The recorder will use the new configuration only when the card is inserted
back to the recorder and the recorder starts the recording. This is important for the scheduled
recording or a real time clock settings to first activate the recording by using a slide switch.
This action will not only activate the recording, but it will load the new configuration into the
recorder, including the real time synchronization, when it has been saved in a configuration.
All configuration is stored in image file on microSD card. The configuration should be
changed in main menu by selecting „Options -> Recorder settings“. This windows is divided
into 4 following sections:
The first general part is used to select recording sample rate. To achieve the best quality you
should use 16kHz or 22kHz, but this mode takes more power from the battery and will use
most of the space for storing the data. For best performance check table showing battery life
and memory capacity for each specific mode.