Waukesha Cherry-Burrell
Page 46
April 2005
Leaking Air
Air leaking from between
actuator and Control Module
Missing or damaged O-rings.
Disassemble and remove Control Top,
inspect base O-rings, replace if required.
Wrong porting arrangement.
Check porting and revise as required.
Air leaking from port in Control
Module base.
Wrong porting arrangement.
Check porting and revise as required.
Air leaking inside Control
Solenoid valve gasket failure.
Check gaskets on solenoid valve mounting
block (Parker) or solenoid O-ring
(Clippard). Replace or adjust as necessary.
Valve fails to open or fails to close
Air pressure too low.
Set air pressure to 60psi (4 bar) for 4", 5",
and 6" light spring actuator. 6" standard
spring the pressure is 80 psi (bar)
Control failure.
Check control sequence.
Check air supply
Check control wiring and power source.
Vent blocked
Check that actuator vent is not blocked.
Mechanical failure.
Check for debris in valve.
Check for loose stems.
No valve "closed" or "open"
Lower switch not adjusted properly.
Adjust switch.
No valve "open" signal
Upper switch not adjusted properly.
Adjust switch.
Erratic switch alarms
Control failure.
Check control wiring and power source.
Switch set too close to valve stem.
Adjust switch for proper gap to stem.
Mounting hardware loose.
Check mounting blocks and switch posts
for fit.
Tighten switch blocks.
If adjustment posts are loose, secure to the
module base with Loctite 680
Moisture in Control Module
Missing and/or damaged O-rings.
Replace module O-rings.