Operating Instructions
1. Close the release valve by turning the handle clockwise (CW) as far as it will go.
2. Position the jack under the vehicle. IMPORTANT: Use the manufacturer’s recommended lifting points
on the chassis.
3. Pump the jack handle to raise the saddle to the contact point.
4. Check the placement of the jack; the load must be centered on the jack saddle. IMPORTANT: Avoid wheel
obstructions such as gravel, tools, or uneven expansion joints.
5. Finish lifting the vehicle by pumping the handle. Do not attempt to raise the jack beyond its travel stops.
6. Place approved support stands under the vehicle at points that will provide stable support. Before making
repairs on the vehicle, lower it onto the support stands by SLOWLY and CAREFULLY turning the handle
counterclockwise (CCW).
Assembling the Handle
1. Loosen the thumb screw on the back of the handle socket.
2. Grease the socket opening. Insert the handle.
3. Hand tighten the thumb screw.
Bleeding Air from the Racing Jack
Air can accumulate within a hydraulic system during shipment or after prolonged use. This entrapped air
causes the jack to respond slowly or feel “spongy.” To remove the entrapped air:
1. Open the release valve by turning the handle all the way counterclockwise (CCW).
2. Pump the handle six full strokes.
3. Close the release valve by turning the handle all the way clockwise (CW).
4. Pump the handle until the lift arm is fully extended.
5. Lower the lift arm by turning the handle all the way counterclockwise (CCW). If the jack does not immediately
respond, repeat Steps 2 – 4.
Parts List & Operating Instructions
Form No. 521457, sheet 3 of 4, back