Leg Lift / Curl
Start: Lie on back, bend
legs, position feet flat on
floor shoulder width apart.
Place ball in hands with
palms facing inward and
straighten arms directly
above chest.
Finish: Slowly
reach straight
arms upward,
lifting head
and shoulders
off floor while
lifting and
one leg up and
backward, ending with ball reaching toward
top of foot. Hold 1-2 seconds and return to start
Hip Lift / Squeeze
Start: Lie on back,
bend legs, position one
foot on floor shoulder
width apart and lift
opposite leg up and
backward toward chest.
Place ball between
front of hip and upper
thigh of raised leg with
arms positioned straight
on floor away from sides
of body.
Finish: Slowly lift hips
and buttocks upward off
floor while squeezing
ball against hip with
upper thigh. Keep head,
arms, and foot stationary
with upper back on
floor. Hold 1-2 seconds
and return to start position.
Hip Lift / Flye
Start: Lie on back,
bend legs, position feet
flat on floor shoulder
width apart and lift
hips and buttocks
upward off floor.
Place ball in one hand
with palm facing
forward, straighten
arm directly
above shoulder
with opposite arm
straight on floor
slightly away from
side of body.
Finish: Slowly lower straight arm downward
toward floor in line with shoulders, with palm
of hand facing upward. Keep head and feet
stationary with hips and buttocks off floor. Hold
1-2 seconds and return to start position.
Side Lift / Press
Start: Lie on side,
straighten legs, position
bottom hip on floor,
insides of knees and feet
together with feet, knees,
hips, and shoulders
aligned. Place ball in
hand of top arm with
palm facing upward
and bend arm along
side of body. Bend
bottom arm and support
upper body weight on
forearm with elbow
directly below shoulder.
Finish: Slowly straighten
arm upward directly
above shoulder with palm of hand facing upward,
while simultaneously lifting hips and legs upward off
floor. Keep feet, knees, hips, and shoulders aligned
while supporting body weight on forearm of bottom
arm with elbow directly below shoulder. Hold 1-2
seconds and return to start position.
Rotating Push / Press
Start: Stand with feet shoulder width
apart and knees slightly
bent. Hold ball in one
hand, bend and position
arm up and away from
side of body below
shoulder height with palm
facing upward. Straighten
opposite arm along side of
Finish: Slowly straighten
arm above and slightly
forward of shoulder
while simultaneously
straightening legs and
pivoting same side foot,
while rotating hip, shoulder, and head in opposite
direction. Keep opposite foot and hip stationary
allowing heel of pivoting foot to lift off floor. Hold 1-2
seconds and return to start position.
Side Support / Reverse Flye
Start: Lie on side, bend
legs, position insides of
knees and feet together
with knees, hips and
shoulders aligned. Place
ball on floor in hand
of top arm with palm
facing downward and
straighten arm directly
in front of shoulder.
Bend bottom arm and
support upper body
weight on forearm with
elbow directly below
shoulder and bottom
hip raised off floor.
Finish: Slowly lift
straight arm up and
backward directly above shoulder with palm of hand
facing forward. Keep head and feet stationary, knees
and shoulders aligned with bottom hip raised off floor.
Hold 1-2 seconds and return to start position.