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January 29, 2019  



511-146P ROPE CLIMB 



In addition to the components on the packing list you will need a a shovel 
or post hole digger, cement, 3/4” wrench, hammer, tape measure, level 
and blocking material to support the Sliding Pole. 



Review all instructions before beginning



Unpack, organize, and identify all components:

  Be sure to place 

all painted components on a protective surface (cardboard, cloth, etc…) to 
prevent damage. 


 Locate placement of the Rope Climb: 

See top down view of your 

instruction booklet. 


Dig your footings: 

The center of the footing hole for the Sliding 

Pole will be 19” away from the 3’ 4/0 chain secure hole.   


Set Sliding Pole and 3’ 4/0 Chain: 

After you have the


footing dug, 

you will need to place the Sliding Pole (2) in the footing hole. You will 
need to use blocking material to hold the pole in to a level position and 
stablize at the proper height.  Thread the 3’ chain  through the loop of the 
rope (Refer to Elevation View). To secure the Rope the chain will be 
submersed in concrete to the edge of the rope. Now you can poor the 
cement into the footing hole and the chain secure hole.  Be sure to use 
concrete with a minimum 2,500 psi and mix the concrete per the 
manufacturer’s directions before you pour it into the footing hole. Once 
the footing has been filled with concrete you should rope of the area for a 
minimum of 48 hours to allow the concrete set properly. 





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