Mechanical adjustments make the SportsArt XT50 Cross Trainer suit your personal
requirements, giving you control over features such as arm resistance and seat height.
Most adjustments are completed easily in a few seconds. Only one adjustment,
involving a change in the gas spring position to lower the seat position, is more involved
and requires tools. It is an option that is seldom deemed necessary and is best
completed during assembly. The following explains often used, instant adjustments,
along with the more involved manual seat height adjustment.
Automatic Seat Adjustment
The seat position of the SportsArt XT50 Cross Trainer can be adjusted automatically to
suit people of different physical sizes. To adjust the seat position, simply lift the seat
adjustment lever (57). The gas spring automatically activates. If there is no weight on
the seat, the seat moves up. If there is weight on the seat, the seat gradually moves
downward. When you reach your preferred position, release the adjustment lever. If
necessary, hold handle (66) to stabilize yourself.