Make sure that the footrest is correctly adjusted and
securely screwed. Lay your head on the head pad and
your arms first at your sides and then on your chest, as
depicted. If your head is now below your feet, lengthen
the footrest by one hole and try again (→ 7.1). If your
feet do not move, shorten the foot rest by one hole and
try again.
While lying on the inversion table, gentle and even
movements can improve the effect of inversion on
muscles, ligaments and joints. For example, you can
stretch, rotate or attempt to tuck up your legs.
Return from inversion to your initial position using the
handlebar grips. As your body may have been stretched
slightly during inversion, the initial position may no
longer be balanced. Bend your knees to relocate your
body's center of gravity toward your feet. Do not lift your
head and/or try to sit up.
Advanced users can hang from the foot rests. To do so,
rotate the table completely, as depicted, grasp the back
rest behind your shoulder with one hand and the cross-
bar on the front frame with the other. You can use your
arms to rotate the table a few degrees past the hanging
point. Return from inversion to your initial position using
the handlebar grips. Bend your knees to relocate your
body's center of gravity toward your feet. Do not lift your
head and/or try to sit up.
SP-INV-010-INT-IM-V05.indb 38
SP-INV-010-INT-IM-V05.indb 38
02/08/2021 3:39:53 pm
02/08/2021 3:39:53 pm