Warranty Activation/Installation & Completion Sign Off Sheet
NOTE: This sheet must be completely filled out and returned/faxed (270) 753-3773 to Scoreboard
Service Company before your warranty can be activated.
Your Serial Number _______________________________________
Your Model Number _______________________________________
Date Purchased _______________________________________
Sales Agent _______________________________________
Person Authorizing Purchase (title) ____________________________
Date Installation Completed _________________________________
Company or Person Responsible
For Installation (address/phone number) ________________________
This document confirms that the installation for the 8-ft x 36-ft Baseball Scoreboard has been
completed. All structural, wiring, and power requirements have been met. This unit has been
powered on, tested in diagnostic and game modes ensuring the functionally of the unit.
Scoring/timing equipment responsible party
So that we may better serve you, please have this information available in the event you need to
call technical support. Customer Service: 1-800-411-3136