Caring for Your Motorcycle
Washing Precautions
Do not direct water at the air cleaner:
Water in the air cleaner can prevent the
engine from starting.
Do not direct water near the headlight:
Any condensation inside the headlight
should dissipate after a few minutes of
running the engine.
Follow these guidelines when washing:
Do not use high-pressure washers:
High-pressure water cleaners can damage
moving parts and electrical parts,
rendering them inoperable.
Do not direct water at the muffler:
Water in the muffler can prevent starting
and causes rust in the muffler.
Dry the brakes:
Aluminium Components
Water adversely affects braking
effectiveness. After washing, apply the
brakes intermittently at low speed to help
dry them.
Aluminium will corrode from contact with dirt,
mud, or road salt. Clean aluminium parts
regularly and follow these guidelines to avoid
Do not direct water under the seat:
Water in the under seat compartment can
damage your documents and other
Do not use stiff brushes, steel wool, or
cleaners containing abrasives.
Avoid riding over or scraping against curbs.
Follow these guidelines to prevent scratches
and blemishes:
Wash gently using a soft sponge and plenty
of water.