Christian & Paul would like to thank Dominic Kelly, Alison Burton and the whole of the Air Studios team. To
Jake Jackson for making everything sound so marvellous, and the remarkable talents, immense intellect and
invention of Andrew Blaney, Blake Robinson and Stu Kennedy.
Most of all we would like to thank the amazing support and loyalty of our user-base, our Facebook friends and
everyone at VI Control.
We are in the same boat as all of you. We’re not software developers by trade, so appreciate your honesty in
paying your way to be a part of our family and not distributing this illegally. But more importantly, if you have
any ideas or criticism please let us know directly via our website and in a constructive manner. You never know,
you just may have thought of something that we hadn’t considered. We want to make our entire range the best
there is, and we rely on you to help us achieve that..... With thanks.
C & P.
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